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They are lousy at math--他们数学很差劲

1 9487 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-12-23


Rat: Look at this nature show…One Zebra is attacked by a lion and the rest of the herd flees.

Rat: Why don’t they wake up and realize there’s a hundred of them and only one lion?

Zebra: They’re lousy at math.


attack vt.攻击
The enemy attacked on the left flank.
rest adj. 其余的

herd n. 兽群

flee vt.逃跑,逃走
The cat fled from the dog.

realize vt. 察觉
The man laughed when he realized what had happened.

lousy adj. 糟糕的,差劲的



Rat: 看看这幅自然图片,斑马受到一只狮子的袭击,其余的斑马都逃走了。

Rat: 他们为什么不觉醒并且意识到有一百只河马但是只有一只狮子?

Zebra: 它们数学很差。