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电话英语:Learn About Flu and Flu shot

1 17811 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-09-28

What's a seasonal flu ?

Seasonal flu (also known as influenza) is a highly infectious [inˈfekʃəs](传染的)  illness caused by a flu virus [ˈvaiərəs](病毒).

The virus  infects [inˈfekts](感染) your lungs and upper airways(上呼吸道), causing a sudden high temperature and general aches and pains(周身疼痛).

You could also lose your appetite [ˈæpitait](食欲), feel nauseous [ˈnɔ:ʃəs, -zi:əs](想呕吐的) and have a dry cough. You may need to stay in bed until your symptoms get better.

The influenza vaccine [vækˈsi:nˈvækˌsi:n](疫苗) is the best way to prevent [priˈvent](预防) the flu, and flu prevention should be a goal for everyone.


When should I get a flu shot?
Because flu season may begin as early as October and run through May, the best time to get a flu shot is in October or November. You can still get an influenza vaccine in December or later, but earlier may be more beneficial [ˌbeniˈfiʃəl](有利的) in preventing flu.