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2 11443 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-03-23


1. dehumanise v. 使非人化;使无人性


be ~ d and become incorrigible 丧失人性并变得不可救药

It is ridiculous to argue that teacherswill be replaced by computers one day, because such a ~ d schooling can hardlybe labelled "education”. 认为电脑总有一天会取代教师是非常荒谬的,因为那样一种缺乏人性的学校教育很难被称为“教育“。”


2. deplete v. 耗尽

exhaust v. 用完;耗尽use up 用完;耗尽

one’s fortune 耗尽自己的财产 ~ one' s strength 竭尽全力

The food reserves h ad been severely ~ dover the winter. 过了冬天,食物储备已经消耗得差不多了。


3. destiny n. 命运

fate n. 天数;命运

to control one's ~ 掌握某人的命运

To become a master of one’s own ~ in this highly competitive modern society, many people argue,  computer-literacy is a must. 许多人认为,在这个竞争激烈的现代社会,要想掌握自己的命运,就必须通晓电脑。


4. deteriorate v. 恶化

worsen (使)变得更坏;恶化

cause sth. to ~

Urban citizens’ health is beginning to ~ due to of 由于各种污染,城市居民的健康开始恶化。


5. diffuse v. 扩散;传播

spread v. 传播,散布

~ knowledge 传播知识  ~ a rumour 散布谣言

Despite all the problems, the Internet isstill a modern invention, for it help ~ learning

among People m almost every corner of thisglobe. 尽管互联网有诸多问题但它仍是一项了不起的现代发明,因为它有助于将知识从世界的每一个角落传播出去。