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1 8161 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-09-12

中新社北京9月12日电 (记者 阮煜琳)今年第23号台风“百里嘉”正向琼粤沿海步步靠近,预计将于13日白天在广东电白到海南万宁一带沿海登陆,华南沿海将有强风巨浪。国家海洋预报台12日发布海浪和风暴潮黄色警报。



China news service Beijing, sept 12 (reporter ruan yulin) this year the 23rd typhoon "bailijia" is approaching the qiongyue coast, is expected to be in the daytime of guangdong dianbai to hainan wanning coastal areas landfall, south China coast will have strong wind waves. The national oceanic and atmospheric administration issued a yellow alert Monday for ocean waves and storm surges.

The center of this year's no.23 typhoon "briga" (tropical storm category) was located about 630 km east of leizhou city, guangdong province at 5:00 am, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration (nma) said Thursday. It is expected to move to the west at a speed of about 15 kilometers per hour, gradually increasing in intensity, with the strongest possible tropical storm category, and will make landfall in guangdong dianbai to the coastal area of wanning, hainan in the daytime of 13th.