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1 9884 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-11-20


be less likely to 不太可能
resort to 依靠,诉诸
be obliged to 应该
be based on 基于
put up with 忍受,容忍
specialize in 专门研究
in time 及时地
make peace 讲和,言归于好
out of control 失控
call for 要求,提倡
take it for granted 认为其理所当然
be crazy about 着迷于,热衷于
be alien to 与…相异,与…格格不入

specialize in 专门研究…
attach importance to 予以重视
be tolerant of 对…宽容,能够容忍…
civil servant 公务员
get a degree (in administration) 取得(管理学的)学位
participate in 参与
be impressed with 对…印象深刻
square with 与…协调或一致
go wrong with 出毛病
third-party insurance 第三方责任保险
value-added tax 增值税
make a hasty decision 做出草率的决定
take advantage of 利用
on bad terms with 与…关系不好
admit to 承认
break with 和…决裂,和…断绝关系

try out 试验
tidy up 收拾,整理
sort out 分类,整理
figure out 想出
devote… to 把…用于
major in 主修
secondary education 中等教育
find out 弄清
provide easy access to 提供通往…的便捷途径
opposite to 与…相反
to the minimum 至最低限度
on the site 现场
a couple of 几个
lie in 在于
deal with 处理
tend to 倾向于
bring in 请来,带来
set up 建立
be confined to 仅限于
compete with 与…一较高下

adverse effect 不利影响;副作用
get used to 习惯于…
refrain from 克制;抑制;忍住
hold up阻挡;拦截
from bad to worse 每况愈下;越来越糟
count in 把…计算在内
tend to 趋向;易于;有…的倾向
from cover to cover 从头至尾
touch on 提及;谈及
count on 指望
health hazard 健康危害
be subject to 受…支配,受限于…
pay attention to 注意,重视
be contrary to 违背,与…相反
artificial intelligence 人工智能
be applied in 应用于…
become/be concerned about 关心,担忧
hinge on 完全取决于
manage with 用…设法应付
deliver to 送交,交付


