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1 5900 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-12-12


Saturday is Christmas Eve. Last year, Iremembered that my mother said that Santa Claus would sit on a sled pulled by asika deer in the evening and carry a big bag to give the obedient children agift. But the teacher told me that the candy I received in the sock wasactually given to me by my father and mother.

 Today, my father gave me a peace fruit. Mymother sent me a pink hairpin with antlers. The antlers have lights and theyare very beautiful. I put the gift on the bed and slept very sweetly. When Igot up this morning, I felt that the pillow was a bit hard. I took out a sockfrom the pillow. The stock was a beautiful pen with a Santa Claus head. Whenthe mother walked in, Jia Ning received a gift from Santa Claus.

 I smiled and said: Mom, you can't lie tome, we don't have a chimney at home, Santa Claus can't climb in, I know yousent it, thank you mom. Mom also laughed.








Last night, after I finished my homework,my father and mother went to my own home.

 On the way, my mother said, "Today isChristmas Eve, will Santa Claus come to our house to give gifts?" Iquickly replied: "Well....I don't know, maybe come." So, our familyThe three talked and laughed and went home without knowing it.

 When we got to the door, we opened the doorand found that everything in the house changed. The door of the big house wasclosed. The door came back at night, and the door was closed that night. Why? Ipushed open the door of the hut and saw a beautiful Christmas tree standing infront of me. It was shining with colorful light and blinking at me! The bellwas still attached to the tree, the gift, the deer....under the tree There arealso many good gifts, caterpillars, cockroaches, pen holders... there are alsomany.

 Just then, when Dad came in, I asked:"Is these gifts given to me by Santa?" Dad replied in a hurry:"No, it was bought by a mother and an aunt, and bought by a mother. Thereare also aunts bought." After listening to this, I am very grateful to mymother and the aunt.

 This is a wonderful night!





