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1 8066 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-06-11


The southern Chinese city of Shenzhen plans to begin injecting microchips into all dogs from the second half of this year to better manage the pets, according to the city's Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau.

The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and inserted underneath the dog's skin right between the shoulder blades, according to Feng Zengjun, deputy director of the bureau. "The chip can migrate on the pet's body and poses no harm to the dogs."

根据该局副局长冯增军的说法,微芯片大约相当于一粒米的大小,插在肩胛骨之间的狗皮下面。 “芯片可以在宠物的身体上迁移,对狗没有任何伤害。”

"The basic information of each dog can be scanned, which can help lost dogs be easily identified and returned to their owners. It can also help remind owners to better discipline their pets," Feng added.


Shenzhen will also borrow experience from Hong Kong to establish pet corners across the city for dog lovers to communicate with each other.


Stricter law enforcement on dogs will also be implemented. "All dogs must be walked on leashes in the open air and dog droppings must be immediately cleaned to avoid pollution," said Zeng. "We will have a more specific regulation on the length of the leashes and how to walk the dogs. Violators will be put on a blacklist."

对狗实施更严格的执法也将得到执行。 “所有的狗必须在露天的皮带上行走,必须立即清理狗粪以避免污染,”曾说。 “我们将对皮带的长度和如何遛狗有更具体的规定。违规者将被列入黑名单。” 

Shenzhen has rolled out a series of regulations to improve pet management since 2019. The city initiated an electronic system in May that allows citizens to apply for a certificate to have a dog online. It also plans to eliminate stray dogs via the Trap-Neuter-Adoption plan in the next three years.





