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Denmark Weddings

1 11516 分享 来源:必克英语 2012-09-26

People in many places of the world usually give their lovers a finger ring or a bundle of flowers as a gift of engagement. But in some areas of Denmark, it is still considered lucky for a young man to present his financee with the wooden clappers(拍板) graved with love-poems, because the clappers ensured fortune and happiness.

To our surprise, preparations for the wedding lasted for many days but were made secretly, because to show happiness openly would arouse the anger and jealousy of evil spirits.

At the conclusion of the ceremony a large jar of the beer was taken to the courtyard. The hands of the betrothed(已订婚者) were joined over the jar and it was smashed into fragments. These pieces were picked up by girls of marriageable age(结婚年龄) who were present, the girl with the largest fragment being destined to marry first, the girl with the smallest being fated to remain a spinster(老姑娘).