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2 15248 分享 来源:必克英语 2012-10-26

Not all great meals come from restaurants. Some are served from carts and stalls and eaten on the go. So-called street food is not only delicious, but can be found in nearly every country, rich or poor. "It's a way to get to know the people and the flavor of a place," says the Italian writer, who has nibbled her way around the globe. She shares some favorite snacks and snacking places.
并非所有的美食都是从餐厅里获得。有些是在车和摊位上买的并在在路上吃的。所谓的街头食物,不仅味道鲜美,而且几乎在每一个国家都能找到,不论富国还是穷国。 “这是一种了解当地人和味道的方式,”这位意大利作家说,她已经吃遍全球各地。她分享了一些最爱的小吃以及这些小吃的地方。

1. Naples, Italy :Pizza
意大利 那不勒斯:披萨

Pizza may be the closest thing to a global food, but Diamanti says there's nothing like the way it's prepared in Naples. The dish is often ordered from a window counter and quickly baked for customers. If you're eating it on the go, you fold it up for pizza, literally wallet style. "Our pizza is quick and simple," she says.

2. New York :Hot dogs

When foreigners first visit America, one of the first things many want to try is the country's quintessential snack food, the hot dog. "It's the flag for America" — both inexpensive and democratic, Diamanti says. "You expect to see kids queuing at a hot dog stall, but it's executives. People with ties and suits."
当外国人第一次来到美国,第一件事情就是想试一下这个国家典型的休闲食品,热狗。 “这是美国的标志”——既便宜又民主,迪亚曼蒂说。 “你希望看到孩子们在一个热狗窗口排着队,但全是管理层。那些穿着西装打着领带的人。”

3. Japan:Bento boxes

Diamanti says the best time and place to eat this portable Japanese meal is under a blooming cherry tree in the spring. Bento boxes are divided into small compartments, each filled with a different dish: often fish, meat, pickled vegetables, rice or tofu. "It's really just a taste," she says.
迪亚曼蒂说,吃这种便携式日本料理的最佳时间和地点是在春天盛开的樱花树下。饭盒被划分成小隔间,每一隔离装满了不同的菜:通常是鱼、肉、腌制蔬菜、米饭或豆腐。 “这真的只是一种味道,”她说。

4. Jemaa el Fna Square, Marrakech, Morocco:Food stalls
摩洛哥马拉喀什的Jemaa el Fna广场:食品摊位

When the sun begins to set, this central square comes to life as crowds gather to sing, dance — and eat. Hundreds of stalls serve grilled meat, chicken and rice, and the traditional tagine, a spicy Moroccan stew made with fruit, vegetables and meat. "There is plenty of smoke with hundreds of people cooking at the same time," Diamanti says.
当太阳升起,随着人群聚集到一起唱歌、跳舞以及吃东西时,这个中心广场就开始生气勃勃了。上百个摊位提供烤肉、鸡肉和米饭,以及传统的tagine,一种辛辣的摩洛哥炖水果、蔬菜和肉类。 “由于数百人同时做饭有大量的烟雾,”迪亚曼蒂说。

5. Morelia, Mexico:Day of the Dead candies

When Mexico celebrates the Day of the Dead in November, crowds gather to remember lost family and friends. And then they eat. The colonial city of Morelia specializes indulces de muertos, candies of the dead, including skulls made with sugar and chocolate, and borrachitos, sweets filled with liquor. "It's a festival of joy," Diamanti says.

6. Jordan:Coffee
Diamanti spent 15 years working with travel companies in Jordan, and grew to love the coffee, which is mixed with cardamom and has a bitter taste. In the desert, it's served by Bedouins, and considered a symbol of hospitality. "It's offered in small cups without handles," she says. Traditionally, travelers are served three cups. If a fourth is offered, just shake your cup side to side to indicate you've had your fill, she says.
迪亚曼蒂在约旦的旅行公司工作了15年,从小就爱咖啡,这混合着小豆蔻且有一点苦味。在沙漠中,它由贝都因人提供,并被认为是一种热情好客的象征。 “这是用无柄小杯盛着,”她说。传统上,会给游客提供三杯。她说,如果再给你第四杯,只要从一侧到另一侧摇摇你的杯子以暗示你够了。

7. Turin, Italy:Aperitifs
This northern Italian city developed vermouth, a fortified wine mixed with spices, and today it's a favorite aperitif. Crowds fill downtown bars before dinner and overflow into the streets. "You take your drink and snack and you go out and chat with friends," Diamanti says.

8. France:Crepes
These delicate filled pancakes originated in Brittany, but are now found across France, and beyond. They're prepared on the street and are popular with workers and tourists alike. Diamanti likes the sweet variety, sometimes filled with Nutella, jam or bananas and chocolate with cream.

9. Philadelphia:Soft pretzels
The doughy pretzel has come a long way, Diamanti says. It arrived with immigrants from Central Europe and now is a ubiquitous snack on some city streets. While many people slather it with yellow mustard, she says she likes her plain. "In several Middle Eastern countries, I've found the same kind of bread, the same shape."

10. Quebec:Maple taffy
This seasonal treat is made by boiling maple sap and then quickly hardening it on snow or ice. It then is eaten on a stick or fork. The treat can be purchased from sugar shacks near Montreal and in the Laurentian Mountains.



