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3 11156 分享 来源:必克英语 2013-02-21


龙(打一成语):充耳不闻 Turn a deaf ear

一(打一成语):接二连三 one after another

亚(打一成语):有口难言  to find it hard or embarrassing to bring up a matter

主(打一成语):一往无前 to go ahead bravely without looking backs

呀(打一成语):唇齿相依 .to be as dependent on each other as the jowls and the jaws; to be as close as lips to teeth

判(打一成语):一刀两断 Make a clean break

泵(打一成语):水落石出 the whole things come to obvious

扰(打一成语):半推半就 Half willing and half unwilling; to yield after making a show of resistance.

黯(打一成语):有声有色 vivid and dramatic; very impressive

田(打一成语):挖空心思 rack one 's brains

十(打一成语):纵横交错 crisscrossing; intertwining; interlacing -- a very complicative situation

咄(打一成语):脱口而出 to blurt out; (words, remarks, etc) to escape one's lips; unconsidered

票(打一成语):闻风而起 Rise up on hearing the news

桁(打一成语):行将就木 .to be getting nearer and nearer the coffin; to be fast approaching death; to have one foot in the grave

皇(打一成语):白玉无瑕 Flawless white jade

忘(打一成语):死心塌地 be dead set on

会计(打一成语):足智多谋 resourcefulness

极小(打一成语):微乎其微 next to nothing

初一(打一成语):日新月异 flourish [change] with each passing day

仙乐(打一成语):不同凡响  outstanding; out of the ordinary

美梦(打一成语):好景不长 Good times don't last long; A sweet dream is short-lived

齐唱(打一成语):异口同声 with one voice; with one accord

卧倒(打一成语):五体投地 to prostrate oneself before somebody in admiration; to admire someone with the utmost sincerity

圆寂(打一成语):坐以待毙 to sit still waiting for death; to await one's doom (in resignation); to resign oneself to death

显微镜(打一成语):一孔之见 a peephole view; a narrow view; a limited outlook

无底洞(打一成语):深不可测 too deep to be fathomable; abysmal; fathomless; unpredictable

望江亭(打一成语):近水楼台 a waterside pavilion;  point of vantage; a favorable position

农产品(打一成语):土生土长 ocally born and bred; of native growth; native-born; autochthonous; to be born and grow up in the local community

飞行员(打一成语):有机可乘 take advantage