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1 7372 分享 来源:必克英语 2013-08-16


  Business leaders didn't get to where they are today without a bit of wisdom guiding them along the way.


  Many of them cite books — whether strategy guides or novels — that inspired them or changed the way they think.


  Yahoo!CEO Marissa Mayer


  Mayer revealed her favorite book as“The Design of Everyday Things” (2002) by Donald Norman. She said:


  “I think a lot about design and products and how things should work. But it makes you notice things that can be infuriating. Like, why does my sandwich shop have meat all the way over there?At the same time, it makes you think about design in new ways, because when you use something everyday it needs to be absolutely efficient and not get in your way. It's cool to be able to articulate and discuss that on a level that is really accessible and interesting.”


  Trump Organization CEO Donald Trump


  Trump named “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale as his favorite book, according to ShortList Magazine. This book inspired Trump at his lowest moment when he was billions of dollars in debt. He told Psychology Today:

  据Shortlist Magazine杂志透露,特朗普最喜欢的书是由诺曼·文森·皮尔所著的《积极思考的力量》。在特朗普处于失业最低谷,背负数十亿美元债务的时候,这本书激励了他。他说:

  “My father was friends with Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and I had read his famous book, 'The Power of Positive Thinking.' I'm a cautious optimist but also a firm believer in the power of being positive. I think that helped. I refused to be sucked into negative thinking on any level, even when the indications weren't great. That was a good lesson because I emerged on a very victorious level. It's a good way to go.”


  Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh


  Hsieh told USA Today that one of his favorite books is “Tribal Leadership Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization” by Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fischer Wright.




  What is the value of a smile?

