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Talk show

1 7287 分享 来源:必克英语 2009-11-25
Just in case.
i also have some too just in case.
i know.,you never know,
so you have a cold,
i have a cold.
you poor thing.
you know,it's no big deal, i got so many children that it's like a pediatrician in my house at all times.
yeah,i know ,and all of you bring it to me,
lucky ,lucky you
i know
that's why i brought this. i went to the CVS today to pick up some nose -blowing product, and the woman lysolled the entire area around me like I was some sort of “I alone was an infectious disease” and that made me feel bad for you ,so I brought you some hand sanitizer.
Thank you very much
you're welcome
well , I guess ,because ,first of all, you just had twins?
i had twins
When, how old are they?
5 months old
thank you, thank you for for clapping , isn't it a kindest thing
it is kind of horrible
5-month old
and a 2.5 year old boy all boys, right, that's right. I'm so outnumbered.
let's clap again., yeah, there he is.
That’s my Oliver, that's my Oliver right there.
you are working on a brand new show
that's my vocation
i am so happy to go to work and I can't even tell you .just to flee the house ,to flee the constant, the cacophony of people that wanna get on my boobs or wanna me to wipe their butts and my children. Then I have kids
then you have kids too
but how do you ,what do you do when you have time, would you have time at home by yourself?
i mean i had decades of me-time, i really did ,i squandered them, i did nothing , you think oh ,if only I had the time I would read the classics ,or I would cure something important ,you know, polio , they covered it that way, and I did nothing ,nothing at all i slept and read a little , but more like comic books ,and so now, i have no me-time.
that's just the way it's gonna be for the rest of my life
well , at least until they are 13, and then you can kick them out, right?
well ,then you have to worry about then you have to ……then you don't wanna them out of your sight, right now I just wish they would just sort of magically disappear for a few hours a day, and then come back ,healthy, but I think when they are 13 , you don't “where are you are off to, what are you doing?”
right ,right , uh, man do you wanna
i was gonna blow my nose,
sure,of course
ok. Then I will hand sanitize, this is very detractive.
Do you get to, no it's fine
I just gonna do this a little bit, here we go .
I just feel so bad that you are having to..
we've all been there,
it's not a H1 or anything
you are watching, i know you're watching SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE,
oh ,that is my treat, i get up , i will defy sleep, cus sleep is for the weak, and I get up like at 4:30 , a quarter to five, just so i can get a cup of coffee, get on the elliptical thingamadiggy(a probable variant of thingamajig)and watch TV at last.
that's what you do. You make time in the morning to catch up on your Tivo
i was ,but i was in the audience the night you judged for "cancer dance"
oh ,really
yeah, I was in the audience sitting right down the aisle from, with Portia
wasn't that beautiful?
it was astounding ,but i still , i like watching on tivo better, i have to say , cus you get to go backwards, I go wo,
they do things so fast, that's great
yeah, i know , really good dancing on that show
are you gonna come back at all?
for that ?
yeah, you can, can’t you? Now that you are doing?
no , now that i'm doing idol, i can’t have too many jobs, i mean , i kind of , think i maxed out now
that's it? that's all you can do?
yeah, I think so , I mean i work in Barneys at night, but you know , i
you just sweep up
yeah, let's talk about the show ,cus i think it's so hilarious,
oh, thank you
it's so well written, it's just , it's clever, and it's just such a dysfunctional family, finally it's a show that represents what's really going on ,you know
i agree, agree
i think every character on that show is so good, who is the show runner? who created that show?
Steve Levitan and Christopher Lloyd
what they've done before?
they did, uh, well , "just shoot me" and "frasier" and some other little shows, but you know , not much
well ,if you haven't seen Modern Family, it is so funny , it airs Wednesdays at nine on abc and you are gonna let us dunk you, right? even with the cold you really would let us dunk you
am i wrong? But isn't it 10,000 dollars for breast cancer research, am i right?
yes , it is
that's ,how can you ? i mean ,
i know , but i doubt that,
the water they told me is warm
alright, it is .