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Job Interviews Suggestions

1 6746 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-07-29

  What can you do with your body language to really be effective ? I think the first thing to say is , just

make sure you're sitting comfortablely and relaxed in your chair at the start of the interview. Just the way you sit can convey the fact that you're confident and relaxed. The second thing is, try to use your hands a bit during the interview. You actually use gestures because that's a really -i 'm doing it now ---you know, it's a really effective way to convey a particular message and give some emphasis. And the other thing is eye-contact. You know , try to make eye contact with the individual , not in a fixed stare so that your frighten them to death but actually in a kind of really gentle way.Smiling is fantastic because if you smile during an interview --just try it!--the interviewer will smile as well. It's a fantastic way of building rapport.So I think those are the key points about body language and how to make an impact in a different way at an interview.


  You know, if you're thinking about a project you can describe it in lots of different ways. You can talk about " I did this, i did that" but a much better approach is to use business language and to talk about how you set objectives, how you prioritised your time, how you focus on outcomes.You're saying exactly the same thing, but you're using business language and business terminology to express it and as an interviewer I am sitting here thinking, "Fantastic! This is a great candidate --this is the person we want to recruit."