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电话英语:黑手党也玩 facebook (1)

1 8585 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-09-25

BBC News with Nick Kelly.

The United States and the United Nations are urging Israel and Palestinians to resume peace talks after a day of unrest in Jerusalem. The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington wanted to insure both sides were fully committed to peace efforts. The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned as illegal recent Israeli plans to build new settlements in the East Jerusalem. Barbara Plett reports from New York.

Ban Ki-moon urged restraint in Jerusalem, reminding Israelis and Palestinians of the final statues of the city were supposed to be decided in negotiations. He repeated condemnation of Israeli plans to build 1,600 new homes for Jewish settlers in the occupied eastern part of the city, stating again that such settlements are illegal under international law. On Friday, the Secretary General is set to attend a ministerial meeting of the quartet which groups the UN, the European Union, Russia and America. He said members will discuss additional measures to trying rescue tentative steps to resume Israeli-Palestinian peace talks although he didn't say what they were.

The President of Mexico Felipe Calderon is visiting the border city of Ciudad Juarez, following the murder on Saturday of a US consular worker and two other connected with the American mission. He was greeted by hundreds of demonstrators who said his military campaign against drug traffickers was provoking more violence. From Mexico city, Julian Miglierini reports.

It is in Ciudad Juarez where Mr.Calderon has faced its biggest challenge. The thousands of troops he's deployed there have failed to stop the violence that has killed more than 5,000 people in the last three years. Many Juarezs think that the presence of troops has actually made the situation worse, however, Mr.Calderon is adamant that his military strategy is the only way for word. The stakes are high things through military aid and political endorsement, Washington has been his strongest ally in this battle. And that is the support that Mr.Calderon can not afford to lose.

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has admitted he wants held secret talks with the top leader of the Columbian Mount rebel group, the Farc. Mr.Chavez has long denied allegation he'd actively supported the rebels. He said he met the rebel leader Paul Raul Reyes at the request of then Columbian President Andres Pastrana. A former Columbian peace negotiator strongly denied there had been such a request.

The golfer Tiger Woods has said he would return to the sport of the Masters Tournament next month. He has been away from golf over four months after a scandal over string of extramarital affairs. Here is our sports reporter, Alex Capstick.

The announcement from Tiger Woods has confirmed growing speculation that he was ready to end his self imposed exile from competitive golf. In a statement he reviewed his comeback would be at next month's Masters in Augusta where he won his first major championship 13 years. He said he would continue to undergo therapy and admitted he still had a lot of work to do in his personal life.