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1 8612 分享 来源:必克英语 2011-08-09

The U.N.'s food security analysis unit and a famine warning project known as FEWS-NET say the famine in southern Somalia is growing


联合国粮食安全分析机构和饥荒预警系统网(FEWS NET)表示,索马里南部的饥荒正在恶化。

New data shows more people are dying and suffering from acute malnutrition in areas of the Middle Shabelle region, as well as among the

displaced people of Mogadishu and the Afgoye corridor, to the west of the capital.


Until now, famine conditions had been detected in only two areas, Lower Shabelle and Bakool in south central Somalia.

目前为止,联合国仅在两个地区宣布了饥荒状态,索马里中南部的巴利勒(Bakool)和下谢贝利(Lower Shabelle)。

The chief technical advisor for the U.N. food security unit for Somalia, Grainne Moloney, says conditions in these displaced communities are

especially "depressing."

联合国驻索马里粮食安全机构首席技术顾问Grainne Moloney表示,这些流离失所的难民的状况非常压抑。

"It's a hugely vulnerable group who have already been displaced from their homes and were reliant on humanitarian assistance, and of course

with the restrictions in access and the restrictions in funding, did not get that assistance," said Moloney. "About three years ago the

malnutrition rate was about 12 percent there and to see that it's now 40 percent is very disheartening."



Famine is a technical designation that means at least 30 percent of the population is malnourished, households are lacking access to food and

that there have been deaths from hunger.


There are no solid figures on the number of deaths per day, but it is estimated to be in the hundreds.


The U.N. has appealed for more than $1 billion to address the crisis and has so far raised about 40 percent of the money it has requested.


Maloney says more assistance is needed immediately.


"There need to be massive interventions now to the 2.8 million people in the south that need assistance and that needs to include food,

nutrition, water, health and agriculture inputs. They need everything right now and they need it now, they cannot afford to wait," Moloney




Maloney says there is some hope for Mogadishu, where displaced people are within the reach of humanitarian organizations who are

expanding their efforts on the ground.


"I think the conditions in Mogadishu could certainly be reversed and I know a lot of the agencies on the ground are really stepping up on their

interventions, so I'm sure that is one of the areas we can confidently say where the situation will improve," Moloney noted.


The crisis in Somalia was caused by a severe cycle of drought, which some say is the worst in 60 years. But it was made worse by the lack of a

functioning central government and restrictions on aid enforced by the al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab.



The U.N. expects famine to spread to other regions of southern Somalia within the next four to six weeks and to last at least until December.
