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必克BBC新闻:BBC World News (2014-04-08)

1 5413 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-04-10

BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.

The United States has voiced great concern about heightened tension in eastern Ukraine where pro-Russian demonstrators have seized control of government buildings. During a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart, the US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Moscow of consequences if it moved to destabilize its neighbor. Barbara Plett Usher reports from Washington.
亲俄罗斯示威者占领了乌克兰东部的政府大楼,美国对紧张局势的加剧表示极大担忧。美国国务卿约翰•克里在与俄罗斯外长的电话中警告莫斯科,称如果给其邻国带来动乱,将要面临后果。 Barbara Plett在华盛顿报道。

Mr. Kerry told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that the seizure of public buildings in 3 cities of eastern Ukraine didn't appear to be spontaneous. He noted Ukrainian claims of a carefully orchestrated campaign with Russian support. And he warned that any more Russian move to destabilize Ukraine would incur costs on top of the sanctions already in place. A State Department spokeswoman said the two discussed convening talks in the next 10 days between Ukraine, Russia, the United States and the EU to defuse tensions.

A court in Egypt has jailed 4 men found guilty of homosexual acts. Egyptian law does not explicitly ban homosexuality, so the men were charged under legislation against debauchery. Orla Guerin reports from Cairo.
埃及一家法院拘留了两名有同性恋行为的男子,埃及法律没有明确禁止同性恋,所以这两人被依法被控放荡罪。Orla Guerin在开罗报道。

The men were accused of attending or arranging so-called deviant sex parties and dressing in women's clothes. A leading Egyptian human rights group said the severe sentences they received were part of an ongoing crackdown on personal freedoms. The verdict was described as ominous by an independent rights activist who told the BBC it followed a growing series of arrests of gay men.

The South African athlete Oscar Pistorius has made a tearful apology on the first day of giving evidence at his murder trial. He sobbed as he told the court in Pretoria that there hadn't been a moment since he shot dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp that he hadn't thought about her family. He said he was too scared to sleep, suffering from nightmares and never wanted to go near a gun again. He admits shooting Ms. Steenkamp at his home in February last year, but says he mistook her for an intruder. The court adjourned early after Mr. Pistorius and his defence lawyer said his client was too tired to continue.

The Austrian President Heinz Fischer has said a far-right candidate should withdraw from the European elections because of his racist comments. Andreas Moelzer is the lead candidate for the Freedom Party which is running at well over 20% in the polls. Bethany Bell reports.
奥地利总统海因茨•菲舍尔称一名发表种族主义言论的极右派候选人应该从欧洲选举中退出。Andreas Moelzer是自由党的主要候选人,他在选举中获得20%以上的支持率。贝瑟尼•贝尔报道。

Andreas Moelzer has been widely criticized for saying that the European Union is a conglomerate of Negroes and for calling the EU a dictatorship that makes Hitler's Third Reich look informal and liberal by comparison. He's apologized for the comments, but the pressure for him to step down is mounting. In recent months, his Euro skeptic and anti immigrant party has been riding high in the opinion polls, often scoring more than Austria's government social democrats and conservatives.
Andreas Moelzer声称欧盟是黑人组成的团体,称欧盟时独裁统治,相比之下这样的独裁令希特勒的第三帝国显得不正式和自由化,他的言论招来了普遍的批评。他已就言论表示道歉,但要求他退出的压力在日益加大。最近数月他的反移民政党疑欧派在民调中呼声较高,该党的欢迎度一直比奥地利执政的社会民主党和保守党高。

This is the World News from the BBC.
At least 7 people have been killed in fighting between 2 Palestinian factions in a refugee camp near Lebanon's southern city of Sidon. The leader of one of the factions, Ahman Rashid, was among those killed. A further 10 people were injured in the 2-hour battle. The Mieh Mieh camp remains cordoned off by the Lebanese military.

The Afghan authorities say at least 18 suspected Taliban insurgents have been killed in an American drone attack in eastern Afghanistan. They said that the dead included the senior Taliban commanders of Kunar province near the border with Pakistan. Officials said the militants had entered Afghanistan to disrupt the presidential election and will return into Pakistan when they were targeted.

The British television presenter and model Peaches Geldof has died. She was 25. Peaches Geldof was the daughter of Paula Yates and the singer and campaigner Bob Geldof. She had 2 children, both under 2 years old. Rebecca Jones reports.

Kent police have said Peaches Geldof's death is being treated as sudden and unexplained, and that officers were working to establish the circumstances around it. Her parents divorced when she was 7. It was the very worst thing that happened to me, she later said, it really affected the rest of my life. Four years later, Paula Yates was dead from an accidental heroin overdose. And while Peaches Geldof later admitted turning to drink and drugs as a teenager, she said the memory of her mother always stopped her spiralling out of control. In a statement this evening, Bob Geldof said she was a beautiful child and that she's family was beyond pain.

A study commission by the EU says that far more honeybees are dying in northern Europe than in Mediterranean countries. Last year, the EU introduced a ban on 4 chemicals which are used in pesticides. They are believed to be linked to the collapse of bee colonies across Europe. Many experts say further studies into the impact of pesticides are needed.
BBC News.

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