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1 4971 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-04-23

BBC news with Zoe Diamond.

Newly released details of the final conversations between the South Korean coastguard and crew on board the ferry that sank on Wednesday reveal panic and confusion on board. According to the transcript, officials urged the crews three times to ensure the passengers were wearing life jackets, while the crew member asked repeatedly if rescue vessels were available if an evacuation was ordered. More than 240 people are still missing, many of them teenagers from the town of Anson. From where, Lucy Williamson send this report. “Today, new evidence of the ferry's final moments, a conversation between South Korea's shipping control and the crew. If this ferry evacuates, will the passengers be rescued immediately? The crew asks. The controller replies that the captain must make that decision and the patrol boats 10 minutes’ way. Tonight, candle vigils were held for Anson's missing teenager as sharing of grief but anger, too.”

The authorities in Kiev say they are investigating a shootout early on Sunday morning at a pro-Russian checkpoint in eastern Ukraine, which has reportedly left at least three people dead. The Russian Foreign Ministry has blamed the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist Right Sector group for the attack. A spokesman for the group, Artyom Skoropadsky, denied this saying it's staged by the Russians. “The Right Sector wasn't there and whatever happened was an obvious provocation from the Russian secret services. We can see that Russia has nothing secret left. For the Russians and Ukrainians, Easter night is one of the holiest times in the calendar to set up such provocations to kill people, it's an outrage.”

Iran's two most senior leaders have clashed on the issue of gender equality. The country's president Hassan Rouhani used a speech marking Women's day in Iran to call for men and women to be given equal rights. His comments appear to be a bit at odds with the Iran Supreme leader. Kasra Naji reports. “President Hassan Rouhani's speech has raised eyebrows. Many have been surprised not because he talked of the long distance Iran has to go under issue of gender equality, but because his speech stood in sharp contrast to what Iran's Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said only a day before . He said gender equality is a western concept and the priority for women should be the management of their homes.”

The Egyptian authorities say that only two candidates will run in the presidential election planned for next month. The Presidential Election Committee said the former army chief, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the socialist politician Hamdeen Sabahi were the only two candidates to meet the deadline and submit all the required documents. Mr. Sabahi came third in the 2012 presidential elections.
This is the World News from the BBC
Security officials in Algeria say 14 soldiers have been killed and a dozen wounded in an ambush by militants in the mountainous region, east of the capital Algiers. The attack in Tizi Ouzou is the deadliest in recent years, it came days after President Abdelaziz Bouteflika was re-elected for a fourth term following a campaign that stressed security as a key policy.

The government in Pakistan has ordered a judicial investigation into an attack on one of the country's best known journalists. Hamid Mir survived a gun attack on Saturday as he drove from the airport in Karachi to his office at the country's leading news channel, GEO TV. Police say he has been treated for three bullet wounds and he's now in a stable condition.
巴基斯坦政府下令对该国最著名记者遇袭案进行司法调查,记者哈米德是周六晚上驱车从卡拉奇机场到他在该国最知名新闻频道GO TV办公室的路上遭遇枪击,但他幸免于难。警方称他因中三弹而接受治疗,目前状况稳定。

Reports from Sudan say two Chinese nationals have been kidnapped in the southwest of the country. Chinese diplomatic sources, quoted by the state news agency Xinhua, say the men were working on an oil field. According to one Sudanese account as many as eight people may have been abducted.

The former American boxer Rubin Hurricane Carter, who was wrongfully convicted of murder and in prison for 19 years, has died. Carter, who became a symbol of racial injustice was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Here's Beth McLeod. “Here comes a story of the hurricane, sang Bob Dylan, one of many he took up Rubin Carter's case as a symbol of race injustice in the United States. Carter was convicted for triple murder in New Jersey in 1967 by an all-white jury largely on the testimony of two thieves. They later withdrew their stories. The judge eventually released him, said the Carter's prosecution had been predicated upon an appeal to racism rather than reason.” Beth McLeod in Washington.
鲍勃•迪伦在歌中唱道“He comes as a story of a hurricane”,这是他用鲁宾•卡特的案例作为美国种族不公正象征而创作的一首歌曲。1967年卡特在新泽西被全体白人陪审员判定三重谋杀。判定主要依据两位盗贼的证词而做出的,最终释放他的法官称卡特被控是基于种族主义而不是合法理由。贝丝•麦克劳德在华盛顿报道。

That's the BBC World News

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