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1 5468 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-05-14

From VOA Learning English, this is the Agriculture Report.
The government of Senegal and the organization Sea Shepherd have launched a campaign against illegal fishing along the country's coast. The non-profit group is helping to prevent the poaching of hundreds of thousands of tons of tuna, swordfish and sharks each year.

People called the program "Sunu Gaal", that is a local term meaning "my canoe." The Sea Shepherd is providing a boat with a crew trained to help catch poachers. Senegalese naval ships are also involved in the campaign.
人们称该项目为“Sunu Gaal”,在当地术语中它的意思是“我的独木舟。”海洋守护者协会提供了一艘船帮助抓捕盗渔者,其船员都经过了训练。塞内加尔海军也参与其中。

Lamya Essemlali is leading Sea Shepherd's effort to help guard the Senegalese coast.
Lamya Essemlali负责海洋守护者协会这项帮助警戒塞内加尔海岸的工作。

"What we are doing is documenting illegal vessels and reporting to the navy, and right now the next stage is to have the officials who are on board with us to board those vessels and to check further into whether they are complying." said Essemlali.

Some crews use nets and other equipment to hide the names of their ships. Ms Essemlali says poaching vessels recently have been flying the Senegalese flag. Other ships do have the required documents, but she says they still may be breaking international and Senegalese law. She says her group's increased guarding of the waters has been effective.
"We have a good network of informants that can help us target the illegal fishing vessels. Now, they are more careful because the word came out that Senegal is trying to stop illegal fishing." said Essemlali.

She says poachers used to catch fish in daylight, but she says they are being more careful now. They poach at night and flee if they think they are being followed.

"They are more cautious. They stand behind the border and they come at night and they run away across the border when they feel they are being followed." said Essemlali.

The Sea Shepherd official says the campaign also means to educate buyers of fish in industrial countries. She says they should know that the food they eat comes from an area that depends on legal exports of fish to make money and feed people. Health experts estimate that fish provide more than 66 percent of animal protein eaten in West Africa.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says fisheries and related industries provide 25 percent of all employment in West Africa. Other numbers show there are hundreds of thousands of jobs related to fish in Senegal, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

European Union rules have made it easier to find out where fish are caught. Ships and governments that do not cooperate may be barred from the waters. Reports say three countries right now could face such restrictions. Eight other nations have been asked to fix their problems, or face limitations on their seafood exports to the EU.

And that's the Agriculture Report from VOA Learning English. I'm Christopher Cruise.
以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语农业报道的全部内容。我是克里斯托弗•克鲁斯(Christopher Cruise)。


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