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1 4982 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-05-20

BBC news with Stewart Macintosh.
Families in the Turkish town of Soma who have been burying their dead after the country’s worst ever mining accident, nearly 300 bodies have been recovered from the mine since Tuesday’s explosion. Over 100 others are still underground but hopes are fading for their survival. From Soma, here is Orla Guerin.
土耳其索玛镇发生这个国家有史以来最严重的矿难事故,自周二爆炸以来公发现了接近300具尸体,家属们正在埋葬遇难者。超过100人仍然被困地下,但是生还的希望正在减弱。Orla Guerin在索玛镇报道。

At the cemetery in Soma, the coffins kept coming to an area they call the martyrs’ plot. Relatives consumed by grief. The graves are being filled here one by one. This community is saying goodbye to husbands, fathers and sons. For some, the grief is compounded by anger, by a belief that all of this could have been avoided by better safety standards at the mine.

President Obama has described a Memorial Museum dedicated to the September the 11th attacks in 2001 as a sacred place of healing and hope. He was speaking to rescuers and survivors as he inaugurated the museum in New York on the site of the former World Trade Center. Nick Bryant was at the ceremony.
奥巴马总统将怀念2001年9.11恐怖袭击的纪念博物馆描述为治愈和希望的圣地。在屹立在纽约前世贸中心遗址上的博物馆开幕典礼上,奥巴马向救援者和幸存者发表了讲话。Nick Bryant在开幕典礼上报道。

Touring its exhibits was a profound moving experience, said President Obama. And he recalled and reaffirmed the spirit of 9•11—love, compassion, sacrifice. As with most things connected with ground zero, the museum has attracted debate and controversy. A video explaining the rise of radical Islam has drawn complaints by some who claimed it demonizes Muslims. An underground facility next to the museum and that has the unidentified remains of missing World Trade Center victims, which has enraged some families.

Demonstrators in Brazil have blocked main roads into St. Paulo during a day of anti-government protest across the country. Protesters are angry that billions of dollars have been spent on the Football World Cup which Brazil is hosting next month rather than social projects, transports and housing.

This is BBC news.
Syrian opposition activists said at least 43 people have been killed by a car bomb close to the border with Turkey, including at least 3 children. The explosion happened at the Bab al-Salameh border crossing in Aleppo Province in an area that seemed fighting between rival groups and rebels opposed to President Bashar al-Assad.

President Putin has delivered a new ultimatum on Russian gas supplied to Ukraine. In a letter released by the Kremlin today, Mr. Putin threatens to cut off supplies of natural gas from next month unless, what he says, that Ukraine’s unpaid bill is settled. Theo Leggett has the details.
普京总统发布了关于供应乌克兰的俄罗斯天然气最后通牒。在克里姆林宫今天发布的信函中,普京威胁从下个月开始切断向乌克兰的天然气供应,除非乌克兰支付了拖欠的账单。Theo Leggett报道详细内容。

President Putin claims that Ukraine’s bill for unpaid gas has risen from $2.4 billion to $3.5 billion. He says that no payments have been made since early April, despite the fact that Ukraine recently received a $3.2 billion loan payment from the International Monetary Fund. Ukraine has reportedly offered to clear the unpaid bill, but only if it can continue to buy gas at a discounted price. Russia scribed discounts for Ukraine in April effectively increasing the price it charges its neighbor by 80 percent.

Bosnia and Serbia have declared state emergency after suffering their heaviest rains and floods since records began 120 years ago. Overflowing rivers have burst into towns and villages, cutting off whole communities. At least 2 people have drowned. In Bosnia, army helicopters evacuated dozens of stranded residents. Some sat on their roofs, waiting for help. The Serbia Prime Minister Alexander Vochich appealed for help from the European Union and Russia.
波斯尼亚和塞尔维亚遭遇了自120年前有记录以来最严重的暴雨,宣布进入紧急状态。泛滥的河水进入城镇和村庄,隔断了整个社区。至少2人已经溺亡。在波斯尼亚,军用直升机疏散了数十名被困居民。一些人坐在屋顶上等待救援。塞尔维亚总理Alexander Vochich向欧盟和俄罗斯请求帮助。

The five main candidates for the post of European Commission President have taken part in the live television debate, a landmark event for the EU. It’s the first time political groups in the European Parliament have put forward candidates for the top job in Brussels. The contenders include a former Prime Minister and the current leader of the parliament’s socialist group.

And that’s latest BBC news.

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