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1 4814 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-05-20

From VOA Learning English, this is the Education Report.
The reported rape of a six-year-old student at a well known school in Jakarta has received widespread media attention in Indonesia. The costly Jakarta International School, or JSI serves many children of diplomats and wealthy foreign families.

Indonesian police have arrested several suspects in connection with the incident reported in early April. Similar reports of sexual abuse at the school have followed.

Recently, another kindergarten student also said he was abused at the school. The education ministry ordered the school's kindergarten closed, the ministry said the kindergarten have been operating without permission.

Years ago, American investigators named a former JSI teacher as one of the worst child sex offenders they have ever identified. American William James Vahey worked at the school from 1992 until 2002. He killed himself last month after U.S. Federal investigators seize some of the man's computer records. This evidence included 90 photographs of boys he reportedly abused.
几年前,美国调查人员将一位前雅加达国际学校教师称之为他们曾经发现的最为严重的儿童性侵犯者之一。美国人威廉•詹姆斯•韦希(William James Vahey)于1992到2002年期间在该学校任教。上月他在联邦调查人员起获一些他的电脑记录后自杀。这些证据包括90张据说他曾经性侵的男孩的照片。

Tim Carr heads the Jakarta International School. He described the recent incident at the school as an unimaginable tragedy. He said the school is taking all measures to prevent another.
蒂姆•卡尔(Tim Carr)负责雅加达国际学校。他称该校最近发生的事件是一起无法想像的悲剧。他说,学校正在采取一切措施预防此类事件再次发生。
"We have been cooperating very closely with the police as well, to make sure that the perpetrators are found and justice is done. We also have been focusing resolutely on the safety and security of our campus to make sure that we have done everything possible to make sure this horrendous event never occurs again," said Carr.

Indonesian media reports about sex abuse cases often, but the cases rarely get such widespread attention. In the last week of April, a police officer was accused of raping five children in Aceh province. And a father in Medan province faces charges of raping his baby daughter.

The number of reported rapes is increasing inIndonesia. But child psychologist Seto Mulyadi says many more sexual violations happened than are reported.
印尼的强奸案报道数量不断提升。但儿童心理学家塞多•慕亚迪(Seto Mulyadi)表示,印尼发生的性侵犯案件远远高于所报道的。

Last year, the Indonesian Child Protection Commission declared child rape a "national emergency," but it said, it does not have dependable numbers on rape. The commission says, without these numbers, it is hard to know the true extent of child sexual abuse.

Victims are often afraid to talk about sexual attacks, they fear it will dishonor their families. A large part of Indonesian society considers it offensive to talk of sex and sexual abuse.
And that's the VOA Learning English Education Report. For more reports about education, visit our website learningenglish.voanews.com. I'm Jerilyn Watson.
以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语教育报道的全部内容,更多有关教育的报道请访问我们的网站learningenglish.voanews.com。我是杰瑞•沃特森(Jerilyn Watson) 。

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