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1 4243 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-06-04

BBC news with Neil Nunes.

尼尔·努涅斯[Neil Nunes]在报道BBC新闻。

President Obama has been outlining his vision for a new chapter in the American foreign policy.


Speaking to graduates of the United States military academy at West Point, he said the US must always lead on the world stage. The BBC's Aleem Maqbool has more.

在美国西点军校的毕业生致辞上,他表示美国必须一直领先于世界。BBC记者阿里姆·马克波尔[Aleem Maqbool]进行详细报道。

President Obama said he wanted to give his vision for the way America conducts itself on the world stage in a changing world.


While he said the US reserved the right to carry out unilateral action where there's an imminent threat to America, he focused on the shift towards building international consensus, particularly when it came to world problems that did not directly threaten the US.


“Our action should meet a simple test” he said, “We must not create more enemies than we take off the battlefield.”


President Obama has led tributes to the American writer, a civil rights activist and an academic, Maya Angelou who has died aged 86.

总统奥巴马向一位名叫马娅·安杰卢[Maya Angelou]的美国作家致敬,她是一名民权运动的活动家也是一名学者,终年86岁。

He described her as one of the brightest lights of our time.


The first volume of Angelou's biography I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings told her coming of age in an era defined racial segregation.


She wrote frankly of being raped as a child and not speaking for 6 years when the rapist was killed after she named him.


Born in Saint Louise, Missouri, she became one of America's foremost orators. Here she performs one of her own poems.


“My life in heaven but it is showing here. I am not on top, but i call it swell. If I am able to work and get paid right and have the luck to be black on a Saturday night...”


The Afghan president Hamid Karzai has urged the armed opponents of government to use what he called an historical opportunity to end the war.

阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊[Hamid Karzai]敦促政府的武装反对派要利用好所谓的历史性机遇来结束这场战争。

His comments came as he welcomed the decision that announced on Tuesday by president Obama that US would withdraw all its combat troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2016.


President Karzai said this would give Taliban a reason to end their insurgency.


A delegation from the US chamber of commerce has begun his first visit to Cuba in 15 years.


The chamber's president Thomas Donahue and several other businessmen said they were interested in assessing the changes taking place under the president Raúl Castro.

商会主席托马斯·多纳休[Thomas Donahue]和几名其他商人表示他们对于预估在 Raúl Castro出任总统期间发生的变化很感兴趣。

More details from Leonardo Russia.

Leonardo Russia为我们进行详细报道。

Since Fidel Castro handed power to his brother Raúl nearly a decade ago, Cuba's communist government has introduced a number of economic reforms.

自从将近十年前Fidel Castro将权力移交给他的弟弟Raúl,古巴的共产主义政府引进了大量的经济改革。

Cubans are now allowed to own small businesses and to buy and sell cars and properties.


Members of the US Chamber of Commerce delegation said they go to Cuba to assess the trade possibilities in a post embargo scenario, but that may not happen any time soon.


The vast politically active exile community in the US is strongly opposed to any changing trade links with the communist-run island.


World news from the BBC.


More than 10 people have been killed in an attack on a church in the Central Africa Republic.


Residents in the capital Bangui said the attackers held grenades into a courtyard, where displaced people were sheltering.


Their attack occurred in mostly Muslim neighborhood of the city.


Fighter plane to Libya have bombed Islamist militia bases on the eastern city of Benghazi, as part of an offense led by a retired renegade general Khalifa Haftar against Islamist extremists.

前往利比亚的战机将伊斯兰民兵组织驻于班加西东部的基地给轰炸了,这是由一位退休的政治叛徒头目哈利法·哈他[Khalifa Haftar]带头掀起的反对伊斯兰极端主义分子的攻击活动。

Rana Jawad is in Tripoli.

(Rana Jawad)在的黎波里。

The air strike targeted the headquarters'of the February 17 militia brigade in Benghazi.


It's a powerful force known for its close ties to the hardliner Islamist group Asad Shilia.

这是一个很力量很强大的军队,由于它跟强硬派的伊斯兰组(Asad Shilia)的亲密关系而为人所熟知。

The latest development is seen as part of the ongoing operation that started 2 weeks ago.


It is been led by the retired general Khalifa Haftar backed by a mix of armed groups including military forces in the East, as well as some members of the airforce.

这是由一位退休了的将军哈利法·哈他[Khalifa Haftar]带头掀起的,他得到了一系列包括东部军事队伍以及空军成员在内的武装组织的支持。

They said they aimed to purge Benghazi and other cities of terrorists.


Ballot survey counted in Egypt presidential election at the end of the third day of voting.


The poll originally scheduled to take place over two days was hastily extended to try to boost turnout which has been poor despite the national holiday and free public transport.


The former army chief Abdul Fattah al-Sisi is widely expected to win against the leftist candidate Sabahi.

大家都希望前任军队总指挥官塞西将军[Abdul Fattah al-Sisi]可以打倒左翼候选人Sabahi.

Malcolm Glazer,the owner of the English football club Manchester United and the American football team the Tampa Bay Buccaneers has died at the age of 85.

马尔科姆·格雷泽[Malcolm Glazer]是英国足球俱乐部曼联以及美国足球队坦帕湾海盗队的所有人,享年85岁。

He modernized the Buccaneers and helped them win the Super Bowl in 2003.


Since buying Manchester United 10 years ago in controversial circumstances, the club has won the premier league five times and the champion's league in 2008.


Mr. Glazer's business career started when he was age 15.


BBC News.


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