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1 4543 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-06-12

BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.

斯图尔特·麦金塔[Stewart Macintosh]为您播报BBC新闻。

Prosecutors in Germany are opening an investigation against persons unknown in connection with the alleged bugging of Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone by the US National Security Agency. The revelation came to light last year, damaging ties between Washington and Berlin. The allegations were made public by the former American intelligence contractor Edward Snowden. A German Green MP Hans-Christian Stroebele said the investigation was unlikely to harm links between the two countries.

德国检察官正对涉入所谓美国国安局窃听德国总理安吉拉·默克尔[Angela Merkel]一案的身份不明者展开调查。去年曝光的这件事损害了华盛顿和柏林之间的关系。前美国情报承包商爱德华·斯诺登[Edward Snowden]公开曝光此事。德国绿党议员(Hans Christian Stroebele)称该调查不可能损害两国间的关系。

It's probable relations with the US will be strained by this, but not much beyond what they currently are. I don't believe it will come to a suffering of cooperation between the secret services or other German-US relationships. I assume that the true interests and relations, the good business, military and intelligence relations are so strong that neither side will want to damage them.


Leaders of the G7 group of rich nations are gathering in Brussels for their first meetings since Russia was thrown out, following its annexation of Crimea. The crisis in Ukraine is certain to dominate discussions of the opening dinner. From Brussels, Chris Morris.

发达国家G7集团的领导人们在俄罗斯被踢出后齐聚布鲁塞尔举行第一次会议。乌克兰危机毫无疑问是晚宴讨论的重点。克里斯·莫利斯[Chris Morris]布鲁塞尔报道。

The meeting was originally planned as a G8 to be held in Russia, but the other seven countries abandoned that idea after the annexation of Crimea. The G7 now wants Russia to engage with the new Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and to do more to rein in separatist fighters in the east of the country. For the moment, the emphasis is on diplomacy and politics, but the threat of moving to a higher level of sanctions against Russia remains on the table.

按原计划八国集团会议是在俄罗斯举行,但是另外7个国家在克里米亚被吞并后放弃了这个计划。现在的七国集团希望俄罗斯与乌克兰新总统佩特罗·波罗申科[Petro Poroshenko]交涉,在遏制乌克兰东部分裂武装分子上面加大力度。从那时起,强调的重点就集中在外交和政治上,但是七国集团仍可能向俄罗斯发出施加更高程度制裁的威胁。

Earlier, President Obama warned Russia against what he called its dark tactics in Ukraine. The Russian President Vladimir Putin has told French Television he is ready to meet the President elect of Ukraine when the two men are in France later this week for ceremonies marking the 70th anniversary of the D-Day. Mr. Putin said he would not avoid any of the leaders at the event.

早些时候,奥巴马总统就他所谓的对乌克兰的黑暗策略向俄罗斯发出警告。在接受法国电视台的采访中,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京[Vladimir Putin]表示他准备在本周晚些时候出席诺曼底登陆日70周年时和乌克兰新当选总统会面。普京[Putin]先生称他不会避开参加周年纪念的领导人们。

The authorities in Syria say Bashar al-Assad has been re-elected president with almost 89% of the vote. The election was held in the midst of the civil war, and only people in government-controlled areas were able to take part. Jeremy Bowen is watching the celebrations in Damascus.

叙利亚当局称巴沙尔·阿萨德[Bashar al-Assad]以近89%的支持率再次当选总统。这次选举是在内战期间举行的,只有政府控制地区下的人们才能参加。(Jeremy Bowen)正在大马士革观看庆祝场面。

The election was condemned and ridiculed by President al-Assad's enemies at home and abroad. But for the regime and all the supporters on the streets, this is a victory. All the international peace plans so far for this war have revolved around finding ways for President Assad to step down. His representatives have always said his future wasn't a matter for the negotiation; it was for the Syrian people to decide. Now as these celebrations continue in Damascus, the regime will say that the people have delivered their president a new seven-year mandate.


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Pakistan police have arrested two brothers over the mob killing of their pregnant sister outside a courthouse in the city of Lahore last week. Farzana Parveen was bludgeoned to death by members of her own family for marrying a man without their consent. A police spokesman said a third man has also been arrested for taking part.

巴基斯坦的警方已经逮捕了两兄弟,他们上周在拉合尔法院外杀死了他们怀孕的妹妹。(Farzana Parveen)因为未经家人允许嫁给了一名男子,就被他们家人用棍棒打死。警方发言人称另有第三人也因参与案件而被捕。

A renegade general in Libya has vowed to strike back against Islamist militias after surviving in an assassination attempt which killed several of his guards. Speaking on Libyan Television, General Khalifa Haftar said he'd only been lightly wounded.

利比亚一名变节将军在一场暗杀中幸存,而他的几名警卫丧生了,他发誓要回击伊斯兰武装分子。在利比亚电视台上讲话时,哈利法·哈他[Khalifa Haftar]将军称他只受到轻伤。

There are numerous rumors about a successful assassination attempt. On the contrary, nothing has befallen us from this operation except that insignificant simple things which do not alter matters. We feel that our health is good, our morale is high and our response to them will be twice as much as what they have committed. We are determined to continue, God willing.


In a further sign of growing violence and instability a Swiss Red Cross official was shot dead at point-blank range in the city of Sirte.


For the time, for the first time an English terrorism trial maybe heard entirely in secret. Media organizations have appealed against an order by a judge last month that the trial of two people accused of serious terrorism offences should be held behind closed doors and their identities withheld. Three quarter of appeal judges said they would give their decision in a few days time.


The Irish government is considering how it should respond to the discovery of the remains of nearly 800 children at a former home for unmarried mothers run by the Roman Catholic Church. The children, aged between two days and nine years, had died of illness or malnutrition when their home was under the care of nuns. The Catholic Church in Ireland has been at the center of a host of scandals in recent years.


That's the BBC News.


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