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必克BBC新闻:伊拉克局势持续恶化 美国或再次军事干预

1 4659 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-06-18

BBC News with Mike Cooper.

麦克·库珀[Mike Cooper]为您播报BBC新闻。

The Sunni uprising in Iraq led by the Islamist extremist group ISIS is continuing with uncontested gains in the eastern province of Diyala where there is a Sunni majority. The insurgents say they will move on to Baghdad. This comes as fears grow amongst Western nations of a breakup of Iraq. Jim Muir is in the north.

伊斯兰极端组织ISIS领导的在伊拉克的逊尼派反叛活动还在继续,在逊尼派占大多数的东部省份迪亚拉势不可挡。反叛分子称他们将向巴格达前进。西方国家越来越担心伊拉克可能会分裂。吉姆·缪尔[Jim Muir]伊拉克北方报道。

The Americans have told the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that they are ready to intensify and increase their military support. But they are obviously reluctant to get drawn back into the turmoil and also to give unequivocal backing to one side in what clearly has some of the dimensions of a civil war. It's becoming clearer that what's happening on the ground is not simply an assault by foreign Jihadist. It has a strong element of uprising by several strands of Sunni society. Despite the fact that the militants of ISIS - Islamic State in Iraq and in Levant has stolen the limelight. That's why large sways of mainly Sunni territory have fallen to the rebels with little resistance. The Shiites have been enrolled preparing if necessary defend the areas where they predominate in Baghdad and the south. While the Kurds have quietly realized a long-standing ambition by moving into positions in oil-rich Kirkuk province in the north abandoned by the Iraqi army.

美国人已经告诉伊拉克总理马利基[Nouri al-Maliki]他们已准备好强化和增加他们的军事支持。但是很明显地他们不愿重新卷入这场混乱,由于某些国土已经陷入内战,也不愿意给予任何一方明确的支持。形势变得越来越明确,伊拉克的形势已经不仅仅是外国圣战分子的攻击,而是几股逊尼派势力的联合行动。只不过伊拉克与黎凡特伊斯兰国的激进分子受到了瞩目。这也是逊尼派大面积居住的土地没有遇到丝毫抵抗就落入叛军手中的原因。什叶派也正在招募士兵,如果必要的话要保卫他们在巴格达和南方占领的领土。而库尔德人已经清楚地意识到要进入伊拉克军队放弃的石油丰富的基尔库克省据点。

The mother of the a student who died in April's South Korean ferry disaster has filed a lawsuit claiming damages for his death. In the first case of its kind, the victim's mother says ferry company did not properly train staff while the state failed to regulate the ferry industry. More than 300 people were killed mostly teenagers on a school trip.


Thailand's military leader has set out ambitious plans to change the country's political, economic and social systems. General Prayuth Chan-ocha said he would appoint an interim government no later than September but has ruled out an election for at least a year. The Thai army seized power in May after months of street protests and the corruption scandal. Here is Jonathan Head.

泰国的军方领导人已经制定了雄心勃勃的计划,以改革国家的政治,经济和社会体系。帕拉育[Prayuth Chan-ocha]将军表示,他最迟将于9月之前委任临时政府,但是已经排除了一年之内举行选举的可能性。经过几个月的街头抗议和揭露贪腐丑闻之后,泰国军队在5月份夺取了政权。乔纳森·黑德[Jonathan Head]报道。

At his first budget meeting, General Prayuth said his team would try to cap living cost, rethink farming subsidies, overhaul the many inefficient state industries and reform the education system and the police. Exactly how a ruling council made up mainly of career military men will achieve these is not yet clear. What is clear from this meeting is that despite promises from General Prayuth of greater financial responsibility, he is willing to spend generously and incur a large budget deficit to stimulate a depressed economy.


The Jamaican government has announced plans to radically reform the island's drug laws. Possession of marijuana would be allowed for religious,scientific or medical purposes, otherwise it would be treated as a petty rather than a criminal offense. The justice prime minister said the proposals were a more enlightened approach to Jamaica's drug problems. The changes are seen as a victory for the island's Rastafarians community who believe that smoking marijuana is a sacrament.


I'm Mike Cooper in London with the latest world News from the BBC.

我是麦克·库珀[Mike Cooper],在伦敦为您播报最新的BBC世界新闻。

The United States has accused Sudan of stepping up its attacks on civilians in South Kurdufan and Blue Nile States. The American ambassador to the United Nations condemned the attacks in which she said schools and hospitals had been deliberately targeted. She said since April, hundreds of barrel bombs had been dropped by Sudanese aircraft on towns and villages across the region.


The international body trying to protect endangered species says that African elephants are faced to extinction if the current rate of poaching for ivory continues. In its report, CITES says that poaching is still increasing in some areas. Imogen Foulkes reports.

正努力保护濒危物种的国际机构称如果偷猎象牙的行为继续,非洲象将面临灭绝。在其报告中,CITES表示某些地区的偷猎行为仍然呈增长趋势。伊莫金·福克斯[Imogen Foulkes]报道。

20,000 elephants were illegally killed in Africa last year, the report shows. That figure far exceeds the growth rate of the elephants population, in some regions of Africa. Elephants are threatened with extinction. The report also documents a clear increase in the number of large seizures amounts of over 500 kilograms of ivory in Africa. For the first time, there were more such seizures in Africa than in Asia, an indication, the report suggests, of the involvement of more transnational organized crime in illegal ivory trade.


In Brazil, the football World Cup moves into its second day later, with the peak of the 3 games a rematch of the 2010 final,on that occasion, Spain beat the Netherlands by a goal to nil. Officials from football's governing body and the Brazilian government have expressed their satisfaction with the opening day.


A study into the behavior of Crayfish suggests they can experience anxiety. Researchers in France found that when Crayfish were stressed they hid away in dark areas of their tanks, but when given an anti-anxiety drug, they moved into more exposed areas. The study is the latest to suggest that crustaceans may feel pain. Some experts say the seafood industry may need to reconsider how it treats the creatures.


BBC News.


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