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1 4587 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-07-10

走遍美国The Right Magic ACT III

Here's the bag. 箱子拿来了。
Will he be OK, Dad? 他会没事吗,爸爸?
I hope so. 希望没事。
That's it. 对啦。
That's the way. 就这样。
That's it. There. 很好,啊。
Oh, it's going to be all right. 不会有问题了。
That's it. 对了。
Wrap him in the blanket, Dad! 用毯子把他裹好,爸爸!
That's it. That's it. 对了,就这样。
It's all right, Albert. 不要紧了,Albert。
You're going to be OK. 你不会有问题了。
I want my daddy! 我要我爸爸!
We'll take you to him. 我们会送你去他那儿。
Easy now. Easy does it. That's it. 放轻松,不要紧,没事了。
Your dad is quite a guy. 你爸爸真不赖。
I know, Grandpa. 我知道,爷爷。
How is he, Philip? 他怎样了,Philip?
He's asleep. 他睡了。
He's going to be fine. 他不会有事了。
How can I thank all of you? 我该如何感谢你们?
Thank my son Robbie. 谢我儿子Robbie吧。
He pulled him out of the water. 是他把你孩子从水里拉上来的。
I'm very grateful, Robbie. 非常感谢你, Robbie。
Dad saved him, not me. 是爸爸救了他,不是我。
I'm so thankful to all of you. 非常感谢你们。
So long. 再见。
He's a lucky boy. 他是个幸运的孩子。
Well, what do you say we get back to our fishing? 你们说,我们继续钓鱼怎么样?
That's a great idea. 好主意。
Uh-oh. It's probably the hospital. 哎哟,可能是医院。
I have to get to a phone. 我得去找个电话。
It probably means we can't stay. 看来我们可能不能呆了。
That's OK. 没有关系。
One of my patients has a high fever, 我的一位病人发高烧,
and I have to go to the hospital. 我得赶去医院。
I'm sorry, Robbie. 对不起,Robbie。
I guess I ruined your day. 我想我今天扫了你的兴了。
You didn't ruin my day, Dad. 你没有扫我的兴,爸爸。
I understand. I really do. 我能理解,真的。
Why are you back so early? 你们怎么这么早回来?
Philip had to go back to the hospital. Philip必须要回医院。
He had an emergency. 他有紧急事情。
Oh, that's too bad, Robbie. 啊,那太遗憾了,Robbie。
Did it spoil your fun? 会不会让你扫兴?
No, Mom. We had a great time. 不,妈妈。我们玩得很高兴。
Well, did you do any fishing? 你们钓鱼了吗?
Yeah, we caught lots of them. Look! 当然,我们钓到好多鱼。看!
They had a special on frozen fish down at the supermarket. 超级市场冷冻鱼特价。
Oh, you really had a bad day. 哦,你们今天真没意思。
We had a good day. 我们今天玩得很开心。
Robbie pulled a boy out of the water. Robbie从水中救出一个孩子。
And Dad saved his life. 爸爸救了他的命。
He's a terrific doctor, Mom. 爸爸是个了不起的医生,妈妈。
I know. 我知道。
Hi, Pop. Hi, Son. 你好,爸爸。你好,儿子。
Hello, Dad. 你好,爸爸。
What a day! 今天好忙!
How about a cup of coffee, Son? 来杯咖啡怎么样,儿子?
I'd love a cup of coffee. 我是想来杯咖啡。
How was the patient? 病人怎么样了?
She'll be fine. 她会好的。
Was it serious? 病得很重吗?
No. 不。
Until today, I was never really interested in medicine. 直到今天,我才对医学真正感兴趣。
Well, it's hard work. 嗯,这种工作很辛苦。
Now I know. 我现在知道了。
I had a good time today, Robbie. 我今天玩得很开心,Robbie。
Me, too. 我也一样。
Why don't we do it again? 我们再来一次怎么样?
Can we? When? 行吗?什么时候?
How about next Saturday? 下周六如何?
Won't you be busy? 你不是有事吗?
I'm changing my schedule. 我准备把工作时间改一下。
Well, do we have a date? 哦,我们算是约定了吗?
We sure do, Dad. 当然,爸爸。
Grandpa, can you come? 爷爷,你能去吗?
I have other plans, Robbie. 我另有安排,Robbie。
But I think you two can have a good time together without me. 但我觉得我不去你们也会玩得很开心。
No, Dad, and certainly not without the right magic. 不,爸爸,没有正确的魔法绝对不行。

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