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影视原声: 唐顿庄园 06 我能行

1 4228 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-07-25


But how can you manage?

Don't worry about that. I can manage.
不用担心 我能行

Because we've all got our own work to do.
我们都有活干 都很忙

I can manage.

Alright, Mrs. Hughes, I'll take over. Thank you.
好了 Hughes夫人 我来安排吧 谢谢

Good morning, Mr. Bates. Welcome.

早安 Bates先生 欢迎

I hope your journey was satisfactory?


It was fine. Thank you.

很好 谢谢

I am the butler at Downton. My name is Carson.

我是唐顿庄园的管家 我叫Carson

How do you do, Mr. Carson?

你好 Carson先生

This is Thomas, first footman.

这位是Thomas 第一男仆

He's been looking after his Lordship since Mr. Watson left.

Watson先生走后 是他一直服侍老爷

It'll be a relief to get back to normal, won't it, Thomas?
现在恢复原样 你也可以松口气了

I assume that everything is ready for Mr. Bates's arrival?


I've put him in Mr. Watson's old room,


though he left it in quite a state, I can tell you.

他临行前心情一定不好 房间一团糟

But what about all the stairs?


I keep telling you, I can manage.

我重复多次了 我能行

Of course you can.


Thomas, take Mr. Bates to his room

Thomas 带Bates先生去看看他的房间

and show him where he'll be working.


Thank you, everyone. Well, I can't see that lasting long.

谢谢各位 肯定干不长

Thank you, Miss O'Brien.

谢谢 O'Brien小姐

Oh, yes.


I shall be comfortable here.


1. 情景:有人要来打搅你,可是你的工作很忙,你可以这样套用这个句型:

Sb has got his work to do.

源于台词:We've all got our own work to do

2. 情景:你远道而来,主人会问候你路途愉快顺利吗,你可以套用这个句型:

One’s journey is satisfactory.

源于台词:your journey was satisfactory?

3. 情景:经历了危险后,我们终于可以松口气了,可以套用下面这个句型:

It is a relief to do something.

源于台词:It'll be a relief to get back to normal.

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