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1 4524 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-08-14




BBC News with Zoe Diamond.

佐伊·戴蒙德[Zoe Diamond]为您播报BBC新闻。

Kurdish forces in northern Iraq say they have taken back two towns from Islamic State militants. Kurdish officials said that with the help of United States aerial supports, the Kurds had recaptured Gwer and Makhmur. Correspondences say that the Kurdish gains and continuing air strikes by the US forces targeting the militants could indicate a turn of the tide in the conflict. Nonetheless, the Sates Department says as a change of policy, some American diplomats and oil workers are being reallocated away from Irbil and Baghdad. From Washington, here is David Willis.

伊拉克北部的库尔德武装称已经从“伊斯兰国”武装分子手中夺走了两座城镇,库尔德官方称在美国空军的支持下,库尔德已经夺回了Gwer和Makhmur。记者称库尔德的进展和美军对武装分子持续的空袭表明冲突出现转折。然而,国务院称已经改变了政策,美国一些外交官和石油工作者已经从伊尔比尔和巴格达撤离。大卫·威利斯[David Willis]华盛顿报道

President Obama said last week that the prime objective of US airstrikes on Iraq was to protect the hundreds of Americans working either in the US consulate in Irbil or with local companies. Asked on Friday why the State Department didn't simply evacuate the diplomatic and military personnel who work there, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the preference was to protect the premises and keep the staff working. Now it seems that view has changed. The State Department is announcing that a limited number of staff, both from Irbil and the US Embassy in Baghdad, will be moved either to Basra in southern Iraq or the Jordanian capital Amman.

奥巴马总统上周说,美国在伊拉克空袭的首要目标是保护在伊尔比尔的美国使馆或当地公司工作的数百名美国人。当被问及国务院为什么不只是撤离工作在那里的外交和军事人员,白宫发言人乔希·欧内斯特[Josh Earnest]称更重要的是保护设施并让员工能工作。目前这一观点似乎已经改变,国务院宣布伊尔比尔和美国驻巴格达使馆的少数人员将转到伊拉克南部的巴士拉或约旦首都安曼。

The outgoing Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declared a victory in the country's first direct presidential election. Addressing cheering supporters at his governing party's headquarter in Ankara, Mr. Erdogan said he wanted to start a new period at the social reconciliation. He said democracy had won and Turkey had won.

即将离任的土耳其总理埃尔多安[Recep Tayyip Erdogan]宣布在该国第一届的直接总统选举中获得胜利。埃尔多安[Erdogan]先生在安曼其执政党总部向喝彩的支持者发表讲话,称希望在社会和解下开始新的阶段。他说民主已经胜利,土耳其已经胜利。

I am greeting you on this historic day, the victory night of democracy and national will. I am greeting you from the deepest corners of my heart. It's the first time that we are experiencing this in the history of the republic; the president has been elected by the public vote. I do hope this is going to be a beneficial election for our nation, for our country, for all the fraternal nations.


Kurdish forces in Northern Iraq say they've taken back two towns from the Islamic State militants. Kurdish officials said that with the help of United States areal support, the Kurds had captured Gwer and Makhmur. Correspondence say that the Kurdish gains and continuing air strikes by the US forces targeting at the militants could indicate a turn of the tide in the conflict.


The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says that Russia is holding talks with the Ukrainian government on allowing humanitarian aid to be delivered to eastern Ukraine. Our correspondent David Stern reports from Kiev.

俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫[Sergey Lavrov]称俄罗斯正与乌克兰政府就允许人道主义援助进入乌克兰东部一事进行协商,记者大卫·斯特恩[David Stern]基辅报道。

Talks on opening an aid corridor in eastern Ukraine have gained pace as humanitarian crisis looms. Hundreds of thousands have fled the fighting. And more than 1,500 have been killed in total. However, Kiev insists any assistance be under international control. Ukraine and its western allies fear Russia could send its own troops into Ukraine under the cover of a peacekeeping force. Yesterday, the pro-Moscow separatists called for a ceasefire. But this proposal so far is fruitless since each side has rejected the other's conditions.


A new 72-hour ceasefire in Gaza has just formally come into effect following an agreement earlier in the day between Israel and the Palestinian factions. Egyptian mediators brokered the deal and if the truce holds, Israel will send negotiators to Cairo on Monday for talks aimed at finding a longer-term solution to the conflicts. Wyre Davies is in Jerusalem.

早些时候以色列和巴勒斯坦达成的在加沙再次停火72小时的协议已经付诸实施,埃及调停者促成了该协议,如果能做到休战,以色列星期一将向开罗派出协商者,参加意在想办法终结这场冲突长期的协商。怀尔·戴维斯[Wyre Davies]耶路撒冷报道。

Everyone is hoping that the firing will end at midnight. But Israel has made it clear that if Hamas breaks this ceasefire, it will respond. And Israel accuses Hamas of having broken the previous ceasefire which led of cause to an increase round of rocket attacks and counterattacks from Israel over the weekend. But Hamas representatives at these talks in Cairo have made us understand the belligerent parties, Hamas and Israel, have agreed to this truce from midnight local time tonight.


Reports from northern Mali say French Special Forces have bombed Islamist militant positions there. Residents in the Esssakane region of west of Timbuktu say that they heard four or five large explosions earlier on Sunday morning. France intervened in Mali last year to try to drive out jihadist group linked to al-Qaeda from the north of the country, but it has not confirmed involvements in the latest raids.


Iranian media say President Hassan Rouhani has grounded all planes of the type that crashed in a residential area near Tehran today killing most of the 48 people on board.

伊朗媒体称总统哈桑·鲁哈尼[Hassan Rouhani]已经将所有与星期天德黑兰附近居民点坠机飞机型号一致的飞机都停飞,坠机事故导致机上48人几乎全部遇难。

That's the latest World News from the BBC.


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