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1 5064 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-08-19



BBC News with Julie Candler.

朱莉·坎德勒[Julie Candler]为您播报BBC新闻。

The United Nations Refugee Agency says up to 30,000 people remain stranded in searing temperatures on a mountain in northern Iraq under the threat from Islamist militants. A spokesman for the UN Andrew Edwards said that many were in a bad state after enduring extreme conditions.

联合国难民机构称在伊斯兰武装分子的威胁下,多达3万人滞留在伊拉克北部山区的高温下。联合国的发言人安德鲁·爱德华兹[Andrew Edwards]称很多人在经历极端环境后,处境很糟糕。

Access is very, very difficult there. There were immense problems of having organized aid effort to so many people. You know, remember we are talking tens of thousands of people have been up there. The people who fled Sinjar are arriving in worsening conditions by the day. They've been exposed to this environment, lack of water, immense difficulties simply existing up there for some time now. And their needs are very great in deed.


The Vatican has urged Muslim leaders to condemn the actions of the Islamic State fighters in Iraq, calling them unspeakable criminal acts. In a statement, the Vatican listed massacres, beheadings, crucifixions and hanging of bodies in public places and the desecration of Christian and Muslim graves by the militants.


A panel of experts from the World Health Organization has unanimously approved the use of the experimental drug to tackle the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa.


The WHO said that with more than 1,000 people killed so far, it was ethical to offer drugs that had not been tested on humans. Doctor Marie-Paul Kieny of the WHO told the BBC that the country's concern would now have to request and agree with the pharmaceutical companies on the use of the drugs. Liberia's Health Minister Walter Gwenigale has said the severity of the patients' illness would be taken into account when deciding who should be given the drugs.

世界卫生组织称到目前为止有1000多人丧生,而提供未在人身上试验的药物是一个伦理问题。世界卫生组织的玛丽-保罗·基尼[Marie-Paul Kieny]博士告诉BBC,要解决该国的危机,需要就药物使用得到制药公司的同意。利比里亚卫生部长沃尔特·尼盖尔[Walter Gwenigale]说,在决定把药物给哪位患者时,应该考虑其患病的程度。

Let me say how many doses of the drug I will give. This is an ethical issue. So if someone asks that they want me to try on them, I will have to see the chances of adequacy of giving. It depends on the stage of the disease. If it rose that they will not live whatever we do, we will be wasting the drug that we have given to them.


Police investigating the death in California of the Hollywood Star Robin Williams say the actor hang himself at his home in San Francisco. Keith Boyd of the Marin County Sheriff Department said the actor was found in his bedroom by his assistant. Alastair Leithead has this report.

在加州调查好莱坞明星罗宾·威廉姆斯[Robin Williams]死亡案的警方称这名演员在旧金山的家中悬梁自尽,马林郡治安官部门的基思·博伊德[Keith Boyd]说,这名演员的助手发现他死在自己的卧室,阿拉斯泰尔[Alastair Leithead]报道。

The coroner gave an extraordinary amount of detail about the way Robin Williams was discovered, dead in his home in northern California. The preliminary findings of the Sheriff's office are that a suicide was the cause of death, asphyxia due to hanging. Marin County Lieutenant and Deputy Coroner Keith Boyd said he was found in a sitting position with elbows around his neck. The coroner added his wife was the last to see him alive at 10:30 the night before she went to bed. She left the house the next day presuming he was asleep. His assistant raised alarm when he failed to respond to knocks on his bedroom door. The investigation into his death is continuing.

验尸官就罗宾·威廉姆斯[Robin Williams]被发现死亡的情况提供了很多细节,他是在加州北部的家中死去的。警长办公室的初步发现称其为自杀,是因为悬梁窒息而死。马林郡中尉兼副验尸官基思·博伊德[Keith Boyd]称他死时是坐着的,手臂绕着脖子。验尸官称他妻子是他生前见的最后一个人,她当晚10:30离开他后就去睡觉了。她第二天离开家的时候以为他仍在睡觉,他的助理敲他的卧室门,见没有反应就报了警。有关其死因的调查仍在进行中。

BBC News.


Officials in northwest Mexico say a private copper mine at the center of a pollution accident last week did not immediately alert the authorities that large quantities of toxic chemicals were spilling into a river. The authorities in the Mexican State of Sonora say the spill only came to light the next day when residents downstream noticed the river had turned orange. Water supplies to some 20,000 people had been cut off.


The military in Colombia says it's sending more troops to the eastern province of Arauca to deal with a recent wave of attacks. The announcement comes hours after a local politician was shot dead and eight soldiers were injured by an explosive device.


United States says it will provide an additional 180 million dollars to help feed the people of South Sudan who are frightened by famine. The White House urged the country's president and its former deputy to assume their responsibilities and prevent further needless suffering. Chris Stillwalker reports.

美国称将增加拨款1800万美元来帮助处于饥荒中的南苏丹人,白宫敦促该国总统与其前副手承担责任,使人们免于再遭受痛苦。克里斯[Chris Stillwalker]报道。

This rises to more than 600 million dollars, added to the amount of the United States has so far provided in humanitarian assistance to South Sudan. The White House says the South Sudanese are suffering because of the inability of the country's leaders to put their people's interests above their own. A power struggle between its president Salva Kiir and his former deputy Riek Machar has plunged the country into renewed warfare, leaving thousands dead and nearly two million refugees.

这样包括美国到目前为止向南苏丹提供的人道主义援助,全部拨款就达到6000多万美元。白宫称南苏丹人之所以遭罪,是因为其领导人未能将人民利益摆在首位。总统萨尔瓦·基尔[Salva Kiir]和前副手里克·马查尔[Riek Machar]之间的权力斗争使得该国家再次陷入战乱,导致了数千人死亡,近两百万人成为难民。

South Africa says it plans to evacuate up to 500 rhinos from the famed Kruger National Park to save them from poachers. The park authorities say some of the animals could be moved to safer areas where rhino numbers can increase. Moving one rhino can cost more than 1,000 dollars. Officials say poaching at Kruger has risen sharply, particularly on the border with Mozambique. There are thought to be just over 10,000 rhinos left in the park.


BBC News.


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