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2 5202 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-08-28



BBC News with Jerry Smit.

杰里·斯密特[Jerry Smit]为您播报BBC新闻

Top US defense military official has said that the Islamic State group presented a long term threat greater than any other so far, and needed to be defeated in Syria, as well as Iraq. Both US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and his Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey were speaking after the grisly murder of an American hostage by the group. From Washington, here is Barbara Plett Usher.

美国高级国防官员称伊斯兰国组织构成了比以往任何时候都要大的长期威胁,需要打败其在叙利亚和伊拉克的势力。在一名美国人质被该组织残忍杀害后,美国国防部长查克·黑格尔[Chuck Hagel]和参谋长马丁·登普西[Martin Dempsey]都发表了讲话。芭芭拉[Barbara Plett Usher]华盛顿进行报道。

“General Dempsey said it was possible to contain the Islamic State militants for a time, but they would eventually have to be defeated. That couldn't be done without addressing their base in Syria and without the help of a regional coalition, he said. Neither he nor Secretary Hagel announced new military steps beyond the limited air strikes authorized by President Obama. But both described the threat in stark language. Short term, for westerners fighting with the Islamists, it might return home. Long term, said Mr. Hagel,Islamic State demonstrated a combination of sophistication, money, resources and tactical ability beyond any terrorist threat so far seen. 'We need to prepare for anything,' he said.”


A hospital in the United States has discharged two American missionaries who has been treating the Ebola virus, saying they pose no risk to public health. They were both given an experimental drug which has not been tested on humans before. The doctor in charge of the US Care said his hospital had learned helpful lessons from the treatment.


Bank of America has agreed to pay almost 17 billion dollars for selling toxic mortgage loans that helped trigger the financial crisis in 2008. The bank was accused of misleading investors into buying mortgage-backed securities that the soldiers saved for investments and led to billions of dollars of losses. The US Attorney General Eric Holder said it was the largest deal the Justice Department has ever reached with a bank.

美国银行因为出售有毒的抵押贷款并部分促成了2008年的金融危机,目前该银行已经同意为此支付近170亿美元的罚款。该银行被控误导投资者购买抵押政权,并导致了数十亿美元的损失。美国大法官埃里克·霍尔德[Eric Holder]称这是司法部至今为止处理的最大的银行案件。

I want to be very clear, the size and the scope of this multi-billion-dollar agreement goes far beyond the cost of doing business. This outcome does not preclude any criminal charges against the bank or its employees, nor was it inevitable. Over these last few weeks, this case would have been resolved out of court.


Turkey's governing AK Party has nominated the Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu as the country's next Prime Minister. The decision was announced by the outgoing prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan who takes over as President later this month. Sallen Garage reports.

土耳其执政的AK党任命外交部长艾哈迈德·达乌特奥卢[Ahmet Davutoglu]为该国家下一任总理,这个决定是由即将离任且在本月末将成为总统的埃尔多安[Recep Tayyip Erdogan]总理宣布的。萨伦·贾拉杰[Sallen Garage]报道。

Mr. Davutoglu was not the obvious choice for the post of Prime Minister. Initially the strongest candidate for the position was thought to be the outgoing President Abdullah Gul, but his name was soon discounted. Mr. Davutoglu has been loyal to Mr. Erdogan first as an adviser and then as Foreign Minister. He will become Prime Minister after his election as the governing party's new leader at the Congress next week. The opposition suspects he will run the government at the bidding of Mr. Erdogan and says Turkey is heading to a new era of puppet Prime Ministers.

达乌特奥卢[Davutoglu]先生一开始并不是最有希望获得总理一职的人选,据说最初最有希望的候选人是即将离任的总理阿布拉汗·古尔[Abdullah Gul],但他的名字很快就没指望了。达乌特奥卢[Davutoglu]先生一直效忠于埃尔多安[Erdogan]先生,一开始是担任顾问,后来是外交部长。他将在国会下周选举执政党新领袖后担任总理,反对派怀疑他在埃尔多安[Erdogan]先生的指挥下领导政府,称土耳其将进入傀儡总理的新时代。

You are listening to World News from the BBC.


The Governor of the US State of Missouri has ordered National Guard troops to withdraw from the town of Ferguson where there's been nearly two weeks of unrest sparked by a police shooting of a black teenager. Governor Jay Nixon said the soldiers were no longer needed because tensions were easing. The guards were deployed on Monday after hundreds of people took to the streets to protest against the killing of the unarmed teenager Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson.

美国密苏里州州长已经下令国民警卫队从弗格森撤出,过去两周以来,警察开枪打死黑人少年事件引发了动乱。州长杰伊·尼克松[Jay Nixon]说因为紧张局势已经缓和,因此不再需要士兵们了。由于手无寸铁的少年迈克尔·布朗[Michael Brown]在弗格森被警察开枪打死了,数百人走上街头抗议,星期一警卫队就被派遣到这里。

The BBC has obtained audio recordings suggesting that the daughter of the authoritarian Uzbek President Gulnara Karimova has been under house arrest for nearly six months. In the recordings which were smuggled out of Uzbekistan, Ms. Karimova says that she and her daughter need urgent medical help. Ms. Karimova was one of the most powerful figures in central Asia until she fell out with her father early this year.

BBC获得的录音资料表明乌兹别克斯坦总统古尔纳拉·卡里莫娃[Gulnara Karimova]已经被软禁了近6个月。在从乌兹别克斯坦流出的录音中,卡里莫娃[Karimova]女士称她和女儿迫切需要医疗帮助,在今年早些时候她和父亲不和之前,她一直是中亚最有影响力的人物之一。

The Red Cross says that customs checks have begun on trucks of a Russian convoy carrying aid for civilians in rebel-held eastern Ukraine. The regional head for the Red Cross Lawrence Corbett said the aid delivery would start by Friday. Several of the convoy trucks have reported to be in the area between Russian and Ukrainian checkpoints.

红十字会称,在被叛军占据的乌克兰东部,携带为当地平民提供援助物资的俄罗斯使团卡车已经开始接受海关的检查。红十字会地区负责人劳伦斯·科贝特[Lawrence Corbett]说援助物资将于星期五开始继续前进,据说该使团中有几辆卡车已经抵达俄罗斯和乌克兰检查站之间的地方。

Helen Bamber, the British psychotherapist who helped survivors of the holocaust has died at the age of 89. As a young woman, she went to help care for survivors of the German concentration camp where she saw her mission as listening and burying witness. Daniel Bircher reports.

曾帮助过大屠杀幸存者的英国心理理疗师海伦·班巴[Helen Bamber]去世,享年89岁。她年轻时就前去帮助德国集中营的幸存者,在那里她看到自己作为聆听着和目击者的使命。丹尼尔·保策[Daniel Bircher]报道。

In 1945, Helen Bamber went to help care for survivors of the German concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen. She was 20 years old. It was an experience that was to shape the rest of her life. For almost seven decades, she helped victims of human rights abuses, torture and trafficking. In the early 70s she worked with Amnesty International and later founded the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture. In 2005, she set up her own charity the Helen Bamber Foundation.

1945年,海伦·班巴[Helen Bamber]前往贝尔根—贝尔森去帮助照料德国集中营的幸存者。当年她年仅20岁,那次经历改变了她日后的人生。在近70年间,她帮助人权侵犯、虐待和人口走私受害者。20世纪70年代早期她在大赦国际组织工作,后来成立了酷刑受害者医学基金会。2005年她成立了自己的慈善机构海伦·班巴[Helen Bamber]基金会。

And that's the BBC News.


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