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1 4760 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-08-28



You're Going to Be Fine ACT I


Molly, I need your special talent for handling special matters. Molly,我需要你处理特殊情况的特殊才能。
Like what special matters? 什么样的特殊情况?
Well, I have a scheduling problem. 嗯,我在安排工作方面遇到困难。
Yes? 是吗?
I have three tonsillectomies set for Friday with Dr. Earl. 我安排好要和Earl大夫在星期五进行三个扁桃腺切除手术。
Yes? 是吗?
I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. 我得在他的工作日程上再加第四个手术。
And ... I know you can do it. 这……我知道你能做到。
Who's the patient? 病人是谁?
Carl Herrera. Carl Herrera。
The boy has infected tonsils, 这孩子的扁桃腺受到感染了,
and we should remove them as soon as possible. 我们要尽快把它切除。
Well, I'll try to arrange the schedule, Dr. Stewart. 好吧,我尽力去安排,Stewart大夫。
But it's not going to be easy. 不过,这事可不容易。
I know you'll be able to take care of it. 我知道你能够处理好这件事。
Well, Mrs. Herrera, 你好,Herrera太太,
Carl will be perfectly fine after we remove his tonsils. 切除扁桃腺之后,Carl会完全恢复健康的。
Thank you for your reassurance, Dr. Stewart. 谢谢你消除了我的顾虑,Stewart大夫。
He's had so many colds and sore throats recently. 他最近常常感冒,并且喉咙痛。
Well, it's a very easy operation, Carl. 这是个很简单的手术,Carl。
You won't feel a thing. 你一点感觉也没有。
But when do they do it? 但是什么时候动手术?
This Friday. 这个星期五。
But Saturday's my birthday. 但星期六是我的生日。
Well, we could reschedule the operation, Mrs. Herrera, 这样吧,我们可以重新安排手术时间,Herrera太太。
but I don't want to put it off too long. 但我希望不要拖得太久。
No, I think it's important to do it now. 不,我觉得还是应该现在动手术。
We can have a birthday party for you, Carl, 我们可以给你举行生日派对,Carl,
When you come out of the hospital. 在你病好出院后。
But it won't be on my birthday. 但是那就不是在我生日那天了。
But your health is more important, Carl. Believe me. 可是你的身体更重要,Carl。相信我的话。
I don't want my tonsils out. 我不想把扁桃腺割掉。
Nurse Baker, would you come in, please? Baker护士,请你来一下,好吗?
Hello, Mrs. Herrera. Hi, Carl, how you doing? 你好,Herrera太太。嗨,Carl,你怎么样啦?
I don't want my tonsils out. 我不想切除扁桃腺。
Come with me, Carl. 跟我来,Carl。
You and I will talk this over. 我俩商量商量。
She has a special way with kids. 她对孩子很有一套。
She sure does. 她的确如此。
Carl, does your throat hurt? Carl,你喉咙痛吗?
Yes. 是的。
OK. Do you want to get better? 好,你想把病治好吗?
Yes. 是的。
OK. We want you to get better, too. 我们也希望你能尽快康复。
You'll have your tonsils out tomorrow, 明天,你的扁桃腺切除后,
and you won't get so many colds anymore. 你就不会老患感冒了。
But if I have my tonsils out tomorrow, 但是,我如果明天切除扁桃腺,
I'll miss my birthday party on Saturday. 就会错过星期六的生日派对。
I know. 我知道。
It's a problem, isn't it? 这确实是个问题,不是吗?
Let me try to work something out. 让我想个办法解决。
What? 什么办法?
I have to think about it. 我得想一想。
You're fooling me. 你想骗我。
Oh, I'm not, Carl. 噢,我不骗你,Carl。
Give me a chance to think about it, 给我一个机会想想,
and I'll come up with something. 我会想出一个办法的。
A surprise? 一个惊喜?
Maybe. 也许是。
But you just put on your pajamas and robe, 你先把你的睡衣裤和长袍穿上,
and I'll think of a surprise. 我来想出一个绝好的主意。
Will it hurt? 会痛吗?
No. 不痛。
There are other boys and girls here, 还有其他男孩女孩在这,
and they're having their tonsils out. 他们也将切除扁桃腺。
You'll meet them. 你会见到他们的。
I don't want to. 我不想见。
Change your clothes, Carl. 把衣服换了,Carl。
Everything will be just fine. 一切都会安好的。

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