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1 5867 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-09-18

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From VOA Learning English, this is the Education Report.

Students from China have a long history of coming to the United States for education. And this month, American educators expect high schools across the U.S. to enroll more Chinese students than ever.

17-year-old, Grace Liu is one of about 30,000 Chinese citizens at American high schools. She grew up in Tianjin, a city of 14 million people on China's east coast. This fall, she is starting her third year of high school in the Southeastern United States.
17岁的格蕾丝•刘(Grace Liu)是在美国高中就读的3万名中国公民之一。她在天津长大,这是中国东部沿海一个有着1400万人口的城市。今年秋天,她将在美国东南部开始高三学业。

Grace attends Rabun Gap Nacoochee school in Rabun Gap, a small community in the State of Georgia. She sounds very happy with her surroundings.

"The people here are really nice, and we say ‘hi' to each other, even though we don't know each other. The people here help me a lot, and the environment here is really good," said Liu.

Anthony Sgro heads the Rabun Gap School. He says Chinese applications or requests to attend the school have risen sharply.
安东尼•斯高(Anthony Sgro)负责罗本盖普中学。他说,中国人的入学申请数量已经大幅上涨。

"First couple of students came to the United States in 1980s. And they have come in significantly, significantly great numbers in the last 15 years," said Sgro.

Many of the students are from China's growing middle class, they want a good education and an advantage -- a better chance to complete for places in America's most respected universities.

Attending schools outside China also means an escape from the intense competition at schools inside China. Memorization by rote is common there. This method of learning through memory exercises uses up a lot of time. It can keep students from taking part in sports or interest groups.

In addition, Chinese students in the U.S. do not face the Chinese examination Gaokao. It is designed to measure a student's ability to do college work. Many students in their home country worry about this difficult test.

Anthony Sgro says some of Rabun citizens have expressed displeasure about the young Chinese arrivals.

"That was the argument when the Chinese started coming in large numbers. ‘Why are we educating our enemies?' And my response to people around this is the world in which we grew up in is very different from the world these students are growing up in today," said Sgro.

Mr. Sgro says his students see stories about China when they open a newspaper or watch television news. He says they also will know five students from that country. 17-year-old, Yvette Yang, says she and her Chinese classmates are part of a new future.
斯高表示,他的学生打开报纸或看电视新闻时就会看到中国的新闻。他说,他们会认识来自那个国家的5个学生。17岁的伊薇特•杨(Yvette Yang)表示,她和她来自中国的同学是全新未来的一部分。

The number of international students attending university in the United States is also reaching record numbers. 800,000 foreign students were studying at American colleges in 2012.

And that's the VOA Learning English Education Report. I'm Jeri Watson.
以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语教育报道的全部内容。我是杰里•沃森(Jeri Watson)。

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