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BBC News with Marion Marshall.

The head of the US armed forces General Martin Dempsey has said the air campaign has demaged the Islamic State group but he has warned that the air power alone will not be enough to defeat the militants.He told journalists that the political solution and ground campaign against the militants would both be needed in Iraq and Syria.Tom Esslemont reports from Washington.
美国陆军参谋长联席会议副主席马丁•登普西(Martin Dempsey)将军表示,空袭活动对伊斯兰国造成了破坏,但是他警告称,仅仅依靠空中力量不足以击败这些激进分子。他告诉记者们,对于伊拉克和叙利亚来说,政治解决方案和战场活动都是需要的。Tom Esslemont在华盛顿报道。

Speaking at the Pentagon General Dempsey said air strikes in Syria in recent days were starting to have an effect.The US backed by the air forces of two Arab states has targeted oil refineries set to have been a vital source of revenue for Islamic State Jihadists. But the General repeated that it would take more than air power to recapture lost territory.In Iraq the US would continue to work with the Iraqis and Kurds he said.In Syria it would take a large ground force of 12 to 15 thousand fighters.

Britain is to join the United States and coalition of Western and Arab nations and take part in air strikes against the militant group Islamic State in Iraq. Denmark and Belgium also promised to join the US led mission.None of the European countries will be involved in the attacks on Islamic State in Syria.Here's Mike Sergeant.
英国将加入美国和西方以及阿拉伯国家联盟的队伍,参加打击伊拉克伊斯兰国激进组织的空袭活动。丹麦和比利时也承诺加入美国领导的任务。任何一个欧洲国家都不会参加袭击叙利亚伊斯兰国的活动。Mike Sergeant报道。

British air strikes against IS in Iraq are likely to begin this weekend but Downing Street has indicated that any action will be more about patience and persistence than shore in door that was necessarily be / every day.MPs who backed the government with a huge majority must now wait to see the consequences of their decision.The ballots of votes in favor to those against might be impression of a parliament confident and united in response to the Islamic State threat but the great unease was expressed in the debate about the future.

The International Committee of the Red Cross has warned the air strikes in Iraq and Syria are adding to already dire situation in both countries.The ICRC called on all parties in the conflict to refrain from attacking civilians and civilian targets.Imogen Foulkes reports from Geneva.

The ICRC is to go on dinner for Geneva conventions.Its statement spells out to all those involved in the conflict that means Islamic State as well as the countries launching air strikes what the roles of war are.Civilians and civilian objects such as schools,homes and hospitals must not be attacked.Aid workers must be protected and indeed helped to deliver relief to the sick,the wounded and the prisoners of war.

Thousands of Muslims have gathered in towns and cities across France to condemn the killing of a French tourist by Jihadists in Algeria. Militants linked to Islamic State released a video on Wednesday showing Herve Gourdel being beheaded.The director of the grand Mosque in Paris Dalil Boubakeur,France's senior Muslim cleric told worshipers that had been a cowardly murder.Several hundred people in the crowd applauded his remarks.
数千名穆斯林聚集在法国各地的城镇,谴责一名法国游客被阿尔及利亚圣战分子杀害事件。周三,与伊斯兰国有关的激进分子发布了一段视频,显示古戴(Herve Gourdel)被斩首的画面。巴黎大清真寺主教,法国高级穆斯林教士布巴克(Dalil Boubakeur)告诉礼拜者,这是懦弱的谋杀行为。人群中几百人为他的发言鼓掌喝彩。

World News from the BBC.
The World Health Organization says more than 3,000 people are now known to have died in the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and about 6,500 cases. Liberia has been worst hit by the disease.Our West Africa correspondent Thomas Fessy reports.
世界卫生组织表示,目前已知西非超过3,000人死于埃博拉病毒,大约6,500人感染。利比里亚受疫情影响最为严重。我们的西非通讯员Thomas Fessy报道。

The number of deaths in Liberia is now growing faster than anywhere else.The country has recorded three times more victims than in Sierra Leone and in Guinea.Global leaders have pledged to bring in assistance but it will take weeks before the promised treatment centers are built on the ground.Some care centers can open only briefly each morning to have meet new patients to be treated in the bed whose occupants have died overnight.Medical staff across the region continue to pay a heavy price nearly 400 have been effected more than half of whom have died.
现在,利比里亚的死亡人数增加的速度超过其他任何地方。这个国家的病患人数比塞拉利昂和几内亚多三倍。全球领导人承诺提供援助, 但是 承诺的治疗中心需要几周的时间才能建好。一些护理中心只能在早上短暂地开放,接收新的病人弥补夜间死亡的病人空出的床位。该地区医疗工作者仍然付出惨重的代价,已有近400名医疗工作者感染病毒,其中超过一半的人已经死亡。


India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has arrived in the United States for a five day visit.He will address the UN General Assembly,hold talks with President Obama and address a large gathering of Indian-Americans.Mr.Modi was denied entry to the United States for nine years after allegations that he was complicit that 2002 sectarian violence in Gujarat.
印度总理纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)抵达美国进行为期五天的访问。他将在联合国大会发表讲话,与奥巴马总统进行会谈,向印度美国人发表讲话。被指控于2002年在古吉拉特邦密谋宗派暴力之后,莫迪有九年的时间被拒绝进入美国境内。

The European space agency says it will make the first ever attempt to land a space craft on the Comet on November 12th.The reset air craft which was already the comet known as 67P will release a robotic lander in the hope of learning more about the origins of the solar system.
BBC News.

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