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1 5737 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-10-08





BBC News with Julie Candler.

朱莉·坎德勒(Julie Candler)为您播报BBC新闻。

The Director of the US Secret Service Julia Pierson has resigned a day after accepting full responsibility for a security breach at the White House. Last week, an intruder armed with a knife sprinted across the White House lawn and burst through the unlocked front entrance. Here's our North America editor Jon Sopel.

美国特勤处处长朱莉娅·皮尔森为白宫安全漏洞全面责任人一天后辞职。上周一名携带匕首的男子跑过白宫草坪,闯入未锁的前门出口。BBC北美编辑乔恩·素帕尔(Jon Sopel)报道。

Julia Pierson was given a rough ride when appearing before a congressional committee. One member say that he wished to god that she protected the White House in the same way that she was protecting her reputation. And all the time there dripped,dripped off fresh allegations; it was originally claimed that Omar Gonzalez had barely got to the door of the White House then it became apparent he'd got into the heart of the building before being overpowered. And it has also been revealed that a security guard carrying a gun and with three convictions for assault traveled in a lift with the President two weeks ago, a clear violation of Secret Service protocols.

朱莉娅·皮尔森在国会委员会露面时举步维艰。一名国会成员称,他希望皮尔森以保护自己声誉的同等方式保护白宫。时间一点点过去,她随时面临新指控。最初据称奥马尔·冈萨雷斯(Omar Gonzalez)未能接近白宫门口,后来很明显,他在进入建筑内部后才被制服。据披露,两周前一名持枪并被判三项袭击罪的保安人员与奥巴马总统共乘电梯,这显然违反了特勤处条款。

The US Secretary of State John Kerry has called on the authorities in Hong Kong to show restraint towards pro-democracy demonstrators in the territory after days of protests. In response, China said foreign countries should not meddle in its internal affairs. Speaking in Washington, Mr. Kerry urged the Chinese authorities to tread carefully.


As China knows, we support the Universal Suffrage in Hong Kong according with the Basic Law. And we believe an open society with the highest possible degree of autonomy, and we have high hopes that, the Hong Kong authorities will exercise restraints and respect the protesters' right to express their views peacefully. The protests which began on Saturday have spread to new parts of the city as the territory's pro-Beijing leadership celebrated China's National Day.


The United States has raised questions over Israel's policy towards the Palestinians after the first meeting between the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Obama since the recent conflict in Gaza. Speaking at the White House,Mr. Obama said the status quo between Israel and the Palestinians had to change. Just hours later, the White House spokesman Josh Earnest strongly criticized Israeli plans to move ahead with a controversial housing development in east Jerusalem.


This development will only draw condemnation from the international community, distance Israel from even its closest allies,poison the atmosphere not only with the Palestinians but also with the very Arab governments, with which Prime Minister Netanyahu said he wanted to build relations. It also will call into question Israel's ultimate commitment to a peaceful negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.


As doctors in Texas treat America's first Ebola patient, the state's governor Rick Perry has told reporters that some school-age children came into contact with him. Mr. Perry said the children will be closely monitored for any symptoms. The patient, a Liberia man, is in hospital in Dallas.


World News from the BBC.


A Somali-American convicted of plotting to bomb a Christmas festival in Oregon has been jailed for 30 years by an American judge. Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a student, was found guilty in January last year. He had been supplied with a fake bomb by undercover FBI agents who he believed were al-Qaeda jihadists.

被控密谋圣诞节在俄勒冈实施爆炸的一名索马里籍美国人被美国法官判处30年监禁。穆罕默德·奥斯曼·模哈穆(Mohamed Osman Mohamud)是一名学生,在去年1月被判有罪。他被FBI特工卧底提供了假炸弹,穆罕默德认为这些特工是基地组织圣战分子。

An organization dedicated to tracking down Nazi war criminals has handed the German authorities a list of 80 elderly suspects it thinks were part of a mobile death squads. The Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem wants those still alive to face prosecution. It says they were members of SS-led paramilitary units known as Einsatzgruppen. Jane Peel reports.

一个致力于追捕纳粹战犯的组织向德国当局递交了一份80名老年嫌疑人的名单,该组织认为这些人曾是流动暗杀小组组员。驻耶路撒冷的西蒙·维森塔尔中心希望仍在世的战犯受到控告。该组织称这些人曾是纳粹领导的准军事特遣部队的成员。简·皮尔(Jane Peel)报道。

The Einsatzgruppen were paramilitary units whose members were drawn largely from the SS. The mobile squads followed Nazi Germany's troops east through Ukraine and the Baltic states in the early years of the Second World War, rounding up and shooting Jews and others considered enemies of the Reich and seizing their property. The killings which began before the death camps were operating are considered to have been the start of the holocaust. Just a few of the estimated 3,000 members of the Einsatzgruppen were tried and convicted after the war.


A huge rectangular feature measuring more than 2,500 kilometers across has been identified on the surface of the moon according to new research by scientists. The landmark lies just below the surface and has been revealed by measuring the subtle differences in the moon's gravitational field.


There has been renewed controversy of a judging deficiency in the boxing at the Asian Games in South Korea. The Indian Sarita Devi was so angered by her defeat that she refused to bow her head to accept a bronze medal. She then tried to hand it to the South Korean who the judges ruled had beaten her. Sarita Davi has been placed under investigation by the International Boxing Federation.

韩国亚运会拳击比赛裁判缺陷引起新的争议。印度选手萨里塔·德维(Sarita Devi)为自己的落败感到愤怒,她拒绝低头接受铜牌。后来她试图把铜牌交给被裁判判决胜利的韩国选手。国际拳击联合会已将萨里塔·德维列入调查。

BBC News.


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