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必克BBC新闻:奥巴马向伊拉克增兵1500名 利比里亚埃博拉病例减少

1 5564 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-11-17




BBC News with Jerry Smit.

杰里·斯密特[Jerry Smit]为您播报BBC新闻。

President Obama has authorized the deployment of an extra 1,500 military personnel to Iraq. The Pentagon said the troops will have a non-combat role and their main duty would be to expand the existing mission to advise and assist Iraqi armed forces fighting Islamic State militants. They'll join the several hundred US troops already in Iraq. Tom E. reports from Washington.

奥巴马总统已经授权部署额外的1500名军事人员到伊拉克。五角大楼说这支部队将有一个非战斗的角色,而他们的主要职责将会是扩展现在的任务去建议和协助伊拉克武装部队打击IS武装分子。他们将加入已经在伊拉克的几百名士兵当中。Tom E.华盛顿报道。

The Pentagon said the request for the additional troops was based on its own assessment of Iraqi armed forces and the progress they've made. The personnel who will join the several hundred US troops already there are to help set up two training centers outside Erbil and Baghdad. It's said several other locations around the country will be identified at which 12 Iraqi brigades including three Peshmerga brigades can be trained. In addition, the White House said it would ask Congress for more than five billion dollars to help fund the fight against the Islamic State militants.


European politicians are examining Britain's claim that it's halved its additional contribution to the European Union budget. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said Britain would only pay 50% of the bill. But that's not exactly how other EU ministers said. D. D. reports.

欧洲的政客们正在研究英国的申诉关于其给欧盟预算的份额减半。财政大臣称英国将只提供该账单50%的份额。但那并不是其他欧盟部长们实际如何说的。D. D.报道。

George Osborn said he secured the outcome far beyond their expectations. The bill of a 2.7 billion dollars the UK owes the EU contribution have been halved, he said. The payment delayed and there would be no interest levy. Other finance ministers who'd been around the table put it all simply. There was agreement they said there only on one of Britain's demands. The UK is being given leniency because the sum is so large. Instead of having to pay by December 1st this year, it will have until September next year. But there was no agreement on the UK's second demand to reduce the total the UK owes. However by delaying its payments, the UK will be able to deduct the money EU owes it in rebate and so hand over less actual cash.

George Osborn说他获得的结果远远超出他们的预期。他说,英国欠欧盟的27亿美元账单已经被减半。付款已经延迟,而且也没有存在利息。参与圆桌会议的其他财政部长们简单作了介绍。他们表示他们对英国的其中一个要求达成一致。因为数额巨大,所以英国得到宽恕。不需要在今年的12月1日付清,英国可以到明年9月再支付。但是对英国减少账单总额的第二个要求还未达成一致。然而通过推迟付款能拖延时日,英国就能将欠款打折扣,因此少缴现金。

International Police have closed down 400 websites operating on the hidden side of the Internet, readily used to trade child pornography, drugs and arms. Several vendors and administrators linked to what's known as the dark web had been arrested. D. U. is the head of Europol's European Cybercrime Unit.

国际警察已经关闭了在互联网的隐藏边角运营的400个网站,被轻易地用来交易儿童色情,毒品和武器。几名与那些被熟知为黑色网络有关的卖主和管理员已经被逮捕了,D. U.是欧洲的刑警网络犯罪部的负责人。

This website that we have identified has been removed. So the whole infrastructure has also gone. We hope this will also be a significant boost to the weakened course to repair this. Those we haven't caught can be up and running again. But then we will take them down once again. And this will be a costly affair. So it's not risk-free and it's not cost-free to run businesses on the dark and this is also a politic signal.


The medical charity Médecins sans Frontières says there has been a very significant reduction in cases of Ebola in Liberia. However, MSF warned that the number of cases was increasing in Guinea and Sierra Leon, and that a previous drop in infections in Guinea had flared up again.


World News from the BBC.


Ukraine has accused Russia of sending a heavily armed column of troops into its territory. A Ukrainian military spokesman said a convoy made up of tanks, heavy artillery and trucks crossed its eastern boarder into the rebel-held Luhansk region. NATO said that if confirmed, it would be further evidence of Russia's direct involvement in destabilizing Ukraine.


The interim leader of Burkina Faso, Lieutenant Colonel Izzag Zida has rejected a two-week deadline by the African Union to transfer power to civilians. Speaking after talks with the opposition leaders and civil society groups, Colonel Zida said he was not worried about the threat of sanctions. The AU has said it stands by its decision to impose sanctions. The AU's deputy chairman E. M. told the BBC the sanctions would include suspension from the organization.

布基纳法索的临时领导人陆军中校Izzag Zida已经拒绝非盟作出的在两周内将权力转移给公民的要求。在与反对派的领导人和民间社会组织的会谈后,Colonel Zida说他并不担心制裁的威胁。非盟已经表示它支持实施制裁的决定。非盟副主席E. M.告诉BBC这些制裁措施将包括暂停参加本组织。

I think at this time we want to refrain from putting a gun on their head and allow them to discuss. But of course, I mean, at the end of the two-week period, we will meet and reveal and obviously the sanctions will kick in. And the standard of sanctions of course we start with the suspension from membership of the African Union and then other sanctions would follow.


A new government has been announced in Yemen with the aim of defusing the country's political crisis. It's headed by Prime Minister designate H. B., a former envoy to the United Nations. The 34-strong cabinet includes figures from the rebel S. H. Group which captured last parts of the capital Sana two months ago.

一个新政府已经在也门宣布成立,带着消除该国政治危机的目标。它由总理H. B.领导,他是驻联合国前使者。这个有着34名成员的内阁包括来自叛军组织S. H.的人物,它在两个月之前占领了首都萨那的部分城区。

The United Nations says two of its experts on investigating torture and killings have been prevented from doing their work in the Gambia. Earlier this year, the Gambian government agreed to let the two special reporters visit the country. However the UN said that once the inspectors arrived, the authorities denied their access to parts of the first prison they tried to visit.


BBC News.


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