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3 6602 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-11-17


Spiiker四级听力预测试题,每天练练耳朵,提升敏感度,听力so easy~

Test One 01—05 (选自 90年1月真题)
A The man wants to go to Los Angeles
B The man wants to go to San Francisco
C There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day
D There are two direct flights to Laos Angeles within the next two hours
A He enjoys writing home every week
B He never fails to write a weekly letter home
C He doesn’t write home once a week now
D He has been asked to write home every week
A Because she has got an appointment
B Because she doesn’t want to
C Because she has to work
D Because she wants to eat in a new restaurant
A The teacher postpone the meeting
B There won’t be a test this afternoon
C The students will be attending the meeting
D The students will take an English test this afternoon
A On the whole , she like the film
B she didn’t see the film
C The film was very exciting
D The film won’t as good as she’d expected
M: Excuse me , would you please tell me when the next flight to Los Angeles is?
W: Sure , the next flight to Los Angeles is two hours from now, but if you do not mind transferring at San Francisco ,you can board now
Q: What do you learn from this conversation
分析:本题应该还是比较简单,答案应该没什么异议吧。但本题涉及到了一个机场场景。希望大家一起来记住一些机场有关的场景词:direct flight 直航 / transfer 转机/ board 登机/ flight 班机,航班。
W: How often did you write home
M: I used to write home once a week
Q: What do you understand from the man’s answer
分析:首先在预读选项的时候我们看到这四个选项都是针对这个男人提问的,那么显然这个男人的话比较重要。那么在听的时候我们就要重点听这个男人的话。男人说他过去每周写一封信回家,根据推理言下之意他现在不是每周都写信回家了。故选C。这题希望大家一起来记几个和” use ”有关又比较容易混淆的词组: be used to do 被用于 / be used to dong 习惯于/ get used to doing 渐渐习惯于 / used to do 过去常常。另外凡是听到used to do,句子意思取反(即应理解为现在不怎么怎么了)
M: The students English Club is having a party on Saturday night. Can you come
W: I would like to but I work at a restaurant on week end
Q: What do we learn from the conversation
分析:同样根据选项我们知道女人是这个对话的主角,且根据这四个选项我们知道问题肯定是问这个女人不能去的原因。根据对话我们知道女人不能去是因为要工作,故选C。这里我们要注意的是 I would like to 这样的句型一般后面都是跟上“but” 表示转折,基本上是对前面问题的否定回答。除非说“sure, I would like to ”那么这时候后面一般是不会再跟“but”的。另外短对话中直接听到的一般是不选的,所以像D项中的“restaurant” 明显是一个迷惑项。
W: Shall we have an English test this afternoon?
M: It is postponed because the teacher has attend a meeting.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation
分析:这段对话的关键是搞清楚teacher、student 、test 、meeting 这几者之间的逻辑关系。本段对话的一个关键词就是“postpone”如果同学对于这个词的词义比较熟悉的话,那么这段对话应该是非常清晰的。Postpone表示 延期,推迟的意思。同样可以表示考试延期或取消的词还有:delay / be off / defer / hold up / put off / suspend 请大家一并记住。此处也再次验证了直接听到的是不选的,如A项中直接出现postpone ,C项直接出现“attending the meeting”均属于张冠李戴的迷惑项。
M: Did you like the film
W: Not particularly. I was rather disappointed. I’d expected it to be much more exciting.
Q: What can we learn from this conversation
分析:这一题大家如果认真预读选项的话会发现,A,C选项的意思是相近的,本质上都是讲这个film是好的,这个女人是喜欢的。而D选项正好与A,C项表达的意思是相反的,说这个film没有期望的好,也就是不灵的。其实从选项就可以基本判断D选项正确的可能性较大。在听女人说的这句话中一连给了我们三个提示说明这个电影不怎么样,分别是:Not particularly,disappointed,expected it to be much more exciting。也就是这三点只要我们听出任何一点,都能判断出正确答案。

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