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1 5848 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-11-20

Spiiker四级听力预测试题,每天练练耳朵,提升敏感度,听力so easy~

Test Two 01—05 (选自91年6月)
A She paid ¥40.00 for the coat
B Her husband presented it to her as a gift
C She bought the coat on her fortieth birthday gift
D Her friend send it to her as a birthday gift
A To keep his old car and get a new one
B To leave it in the garage to be repaired
C To sell his car for a new one
D To get his car repaired later
A Husband and wife
B Father and daughter
C Doctor and patient
D Teacher and student
A The man went to the concert ,but the woman didn’t
B The woman went to the concert ,but the man didn’t
C The speakers did not go to the concert
D Both speakers went to the concert
A An English textbook
B A Chinese textbook
C A chemistry book
D A history book
M: That’s a lovely coat you’re wearing.
W: Oh , thank you. My husband gave it to me for my fortieth birthday.
Q: What did the woman say about the coat
答案 B
分析:根据选项我们就可以知道女生的话比较重要。如果能够完全听懂女生这句“My husband gave it to me for my fortieth birthday.”答案应该是顺理成章的。嘻嘻,其实这题也再度印证了我前面一直说的直接听到的是不选的这一规律哦。

W: You’re back late. I was worried. How’s the car? What did you find out about it?
M: The mechanic said that the best thing would be to sell it and get a new car. This car is totally dead.
Q: What will the man probably do with his car
分析:四个选项都是由“To”引导的,这是一道比较典型的动作目的题。也是四级对话中相对比较难的一种题目。从选项分析我们可以得知,关键点就是如何处理这个“car”。这个男人的话中给了我们很明确提示,他用了一个最高级提示词: the best thing…… 。大家以后再听到这一类表示最高的词的时候一定要比较敏感,他的前后往往就是考点。如果这句没听清的话,对话的最后的“totally bead”则给出了第二个潜在提示。答案很明确 C 把旧的买了弄辆新的。
W: Have you found anything wrong with my stomach
M: Not yet, I am still examining . I’ll let you know the result next week
Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman
分析:这一道短对话中很典型的人物关系题。这类题目就是要求我们更具对话推断出人物之间的关系。这类题目的解题关键就是抓关键词。例如这题中的关键词就是:stomach 胃 examining 检查 result 结果 ,如果我们抓住了这些词,就不难判断这两者是医生和病人的关系。这是一个发生在医院场景里的对话,那大家知道除了胃不舒服一般我们还会生些什么病呀?来一起看看一下吧:cold(感冒)—— flu (流感) —— headache (头痛)—— sore throat(嗓子痛)——fever(发烧)—— toothache(牙疼) —— stomachache (胃疼)。ok, 就这么多了。 胃疼是四级中最严重的毛病了,至于cancer ,AIDS这种毛病四级同学是不生的。开个玩笑 :)

M: You didn’t go to the concert last night either, did you ?
W: No, I had a slight headache
Q: What do we learn from the conversation
分析:从选项看我们知道本题关键就是搞清楚到底谁去了这个concert(音乐会)。对话这个男人用了一个暴凶悍的句型:反意疑问句,外加一个很阴险的小词“either”。给我们设下了双重陷阱。男人是这么问的:你昨天也没有去音乐会,不是吗? 依据这个“either(也)”说明男人没有去。 女人的回答一开始就用一个“No”来迷惑我们,但问句是一个反意疑问句,故而这里的No恰恰应理解为:是的,我没有去。不过好在女人还补充了一句 I had a slight headache。那如果听到这句话,我们也可以基本判断女人头痛没有去。所以此题选C, 两个人都没有去。特别提醒大家重视一个句型就是这里的反意疑问句,这种句型一旦出现请大家一定要听仔细了,就算本身不是考点也必然直接指向考点。
W: Has your brother bought his books yet?
M: He bought a history book , but the Chinese and English test-book were sold out
Q: Which book has the man’s brother get?
分析:这是一道细节列举题,列了四本书。 细节列举体最好的办法就是做笔记,像这道题作笔记的话很简单,在history book 后面打个勾 English Chinese 两项后面打个叉即可。答案也就立刻分晓了。如果不做笔记这道题还有一个解法就是利用 “and”这个连词,总所周知and 前后是并列平行的关系。但是真相只有一个,故用and连接的这个Chinese和English 注定都是不对的。

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