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必克BBC新闻:以色列总理呼吁民众保持克制 切勿执行私刑

1 6396 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-11-24




BBC News with Johnathan Izard.

乔纳森·伊扎德[Johnathan Izard]为您播报BBC新闻。

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called on Israelis to unit but not to take the law into their own hands after 2 Palestinians armed with guns and meat cleavers killed 4 worshipers at Sinigal and Jerusalem. The attackers were shot dead by police. Reporting from Jerusalem, here is Kevin Kanlly.

以色列总理内塔尼亚胡[Benjamin Netanyahu]已经呼吁以色列人团结,但是不要自我执法,这发生在两名巴勒斯坦人配备枪支和切肉刀在Sinigal和耶路撒冷杀死了4名朝拜者。几名袭击者被警察击毙。Kevin Kanlly耶路撒冷报道。

In keeping with the traditions of the ultra-orthodox use of Jerusalem, the men who were murdered in the morning would be buried before the early winter sunset. Television images of the grave striker and mourners will deep their sense of revoltion in Israel. The killing of a man in a place of worship. Benjamin Netanyahu referring other recent attacks on both Jewish soldiers and civilians, said Jerusalem was facing a continuing onslaught of terror. Barack Obama noting that the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas had condemned the murders, warned the attack represented a kind of extremism which could tip the Middle East into a downward spiral from which he will be difficult to immerge.

为了保持耶路撒冷的正统犹太教传统,在早上被谋杀的人在冬天日落之前将会被埋葬。电视的画面显示严肃的罢工者和追悼者,这深化了他们对以色列的愤怒,一个人在朝拜地进行杀戮!内塔尼亚胡[Benjamin Netanyahu]提及到其他近来对犹太士兵和平民的袭击,称耶路撒冷正面临着持续的恐怖杀戮。奥巴马表示巴勒斯坦领袖马哈茂德·阿巴斯[Mahmoud Abbas]已经谴责了凶手,并警告袭击代表着一种类型的极端主义,这有可能将中东地区推入他所谓的万劫不复的深渊。

President Putin's chief spokesman Demitry Pascof has accused the west of trying to encircle Russia. Speaking to the BBC, Mr. Pascof said Russia was concerned about the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO.

普京总统的首席发言人德米特里·帕斯克夫[Demitry Pascof]已经指责西方试图包围俄罗斯,他向BBC发表讲话,帕斯克夫[Pascof]先生说俄罗斯担心乌克兰加入北约的前景。

We'd like to hear in 100% guarantee that no one would think about Ukraine's joining NATO. We'd like to hear that NATO will discontinue to approach Russian boarders, that NATO will discontinue intends to break the balance of power. But Petro Poroshenko failed.

我们希望听到百分之百保证没人认为乌克兰加入北约。我们希望听到北约将停止向俄罗斯边境靠近,希望北约将停止企图打破权力平衡。但是佩特罗·波罗申科[Petro Poroshenko]失败了。

Earlier the German Foreign Minister Frank Vatishdine warned that the Europe was facing alarming threat of confrontation instead of cooperation. He was speaking after talks in Moscow with his Russian counterpart Sargelarof about the situation in eastern Ukraine.

早些时候,德国外交部长弗兰克[Frank Vatishdine]警告欧洲正面临让人担忧的对抗威胁,而不是合作。他是在莫斯科与俄罗斯外交部长(Sargelarof)关于乌克兰东部局势进行会议后发表讲话的。

The European Space Agency team which landed the Philae probe on a comet says it found traces of organic material. The scientists set the instrument designed to sniff the comet's atmosphere had detected molecules containing carbon. Paravego reports.


An early analysis of gases around the comet by the one of the lander's onboard laboratories showed that carbon is presented. Carbon is one of the elements that all life needs, so the finding backs the view that comets might have brought the key ingredients to kick start our life when they bombarded the earth billions of years ago. The German team that made the discovery cant't yet tell whether these carbon molecules are large or complex enough to be the stuff that the life might emerge from. But they hoped to have more detailed results as they see through the date in the coming weeks and months.


The left-wing Columbian rebels F have confirmed their have captured the army General Van Dalio Arsatey. He is kidnapped on Sunday, led the government suspend the peace talks taking place in Cuba for the past 2 years. A F negotiator in Havana said the General was a prisoner of war captured in the war zone. The spokesman said bilateral cease fire agreement would create positive climate for any resumptions of talks.

哥伦比亚的左翼叛军F已经证实他们已经逮捕了部队将军(Van Dalio Arsatey)。他在星期天被绑架,导致政府暂停过去两年来在古巴进行的和谈。在哈瓦那一位F协商者说该将军是在战争区被捉的一名战争犯。这名发言人说双边停火协议将为任何恢复和谈创造积极氛围。

BBC News.


The World Health Organization has announced 2 initiatives to get cheap Ebola testing kits into the field as soon as possible. It said it was working with manufacturers to design easy to use equipment that would produce results on sight in less than half an hour. It's also introducing fast track assessment of new testing methods to find the best one.


Soldiers in the Ivory Coast protesting about the unpaid wages have entered the state radio and television building in the second city of Buwakey. Reports said they recorded the statement outlined their demands and then told staff to leave. The Defense Minister Porokofy has ordered the protesters in Buwakey and the main city Abajane to return to backs.


Football's world governing body FIFA has launched a criminal complaint with the Swiss attorney general in connection with the bidding process for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. A FIFA statement said there have been suspected unlawful activity. Dun Roll reports.

足球世界官方机构FIFA已经对涉嫌为2018年和2022年世界杯行贿的瑞士司法部长发起一项刑事诉讼。一项FIFA声明称涉嫌存在非法活动。(Dun Roll)报道。

In a statement, FIFA president Saint Blater said this latest twist in a long running saga proved this organization has nothing to hide. With Mr. Elco denying accusations his report last week, amounted to a white wash. Criminal charges may have been brought against football officials. But many were questioned whether the choice or picks with its legal system is likely to produce meaningful results any time soon.

在一个声明中,FIFA主席(Saint Blater)说最近的一系列发生的事件证明这个组织没有什么可隐藏的。(Elco)先生对上周对他的指控进行否认,希望还自己的清白。足球官员可能面临刑事指控,但是很多人质疑是否其合法系统的选择可能立即产生有意义的结果。

In northern India, more than 100 people, including journalists and police personnel had been injured in violent clashes between police and followers of a self-styled guru. There was scene of chaos as the police hurried on a state stormed the Ashrun Huindu guru Rampow Maharajii, who was once in court of murder charges.


A hotel in Britain that charged a couple 156 dollars for writing a bad review online has been investigated by a consumer protection service. The hotel spotted the review on a travel website. It charged a levy to the couple's credit card. The hotel then told the unhappy guests they should have noticed its no bad review policy when booking.


BBC News.


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