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商务英语情景口语100主题:Board ofDirectors董事会

2 10545 分享 来源:必克英语 2015-02-26


32 Board of Directors

Dialogue one

F: So tell me what's the difference between the board of directors, the CEO and the stockholders, they all seem to be the same group of people to me.
M: No, there is definitely difference, you know, the stockholders are the people who own the company, they're the financially contral systems, then there is the CEO, the chief executive officer, he is the hot shy, the main guy who is the boss, if there is only one person with absolute power of organization, everyone knows that the power would go to their head, it's too dangerous! That's the reason for board of directors, the board is made up of people who are experts in the industry, they could be related to the organization, but more commonly, they are independent and non- buyers.
F: How many people are on the board of directors?
M: Usually not more than fifteen, not less than ten, they meet monthly, quarterly or by annually to oversee the organization or company, they provide long term planning and vision, and also act as more a watch dog to keep the company in line.

Dialogue two

M: I hereby call the Meltron Asset's board of directors to sember general meeting to order, we'd like to welcome the presidents of meltron's CEO Andrew Lupinsky, and we'd also like to recognise representative of our stock holders group who'll join us today. Our main order of business today is the official appointment of a new director to our board to fill the vacant chair of the Leis Francis Depute, I'll now turn the time over to our secretary to continue with the proceedings. Thanks , Henry, I'm sure we're all meeting together with mix filling it today, Francis was active member of our board for more than twenty years, and her passing has left a big hole on our board, our community, and in our hearts. Francis was irreplaceable, but today we've come together to welcome a new face to our board, I would like everyone to meet Thomas Kennedy, regional director of Misuner General Hospital, Dr Kennedy has vast experience in the medical field and he licensed medical doctor, it will be his first time serving on the board of directors, and we are looking forward to his service and all that he brings to the table.

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