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hush hush-小野猫

1 8613 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-03-11

i never needed you to be strong 我从不需要你来使我坚强
i never needed you for pointing out my wrongs 我从不需要你来对我指手划脚
i never needed pain, i never needed strain 我从不需要痛苦,我从不需要压力
my love for you is strong enough, you should have known 我给你的爱已足够深厚,这你本应该知道

i never needed you for judgment 我从不需要你来为我定夺
i never needed you to question what i spent 我从不需要你来质疑我付出了什么
i never ask for help, i take care of myself 我从不开口求你,我完全靠我自己
i don't know why you think you got a hold on me 真不明白你凭什么会认为我跑不出你手心

and it's a little late for conversations 现在谈心未免有些太迟
there isn't anything for you to say 现在的你已经无话可说

and my eyes hurt, hands shiver 我两眼发痛,双手发抖
so look at me and listen to me because… 所以请看着我,听我说,因为…


i don't want to stay another minute 哪怕一分钟,我也呆不下去

i don't want you to say a single word 哪怕一个字,我也听不进去

hush hush, hush hush, there is no other way 嘘!嘘!嘘!嘘!再没有挽回的余地

i get the final say because… 决定权在我手里,因为…

i don't want to do this any longer 我不想再这样继续下去
i don't want you, there's nothing left to say 我不想得到你,我与你无话可说

hush hush, hush hush, i've already spoken 嘘!嘘!嘘!嘘!我已对你说过

our love is broken, baby, hush hush 我们的爱已崩溃,宝贝,嘘!嘘!

i never needed your corrections 我从不需要你来纠正
on everything from how i act to what i say 我的一举一动,我的一言一行
i never needed words, i never needed hurts 我从不需要指责,我从不需要伤害
i never needed you to be there everyday 我从不需要你每天都守在我身边

i'm sorry for the way i let go 很抱歉我以这种方式
of everything i wanted when you came along 抛弃我当初遇见你时想要拥有的一切
but i am never beaten, broken not defeated 可我永不颓废,心可碎却不会颓废
i know next to you is not where i belong 我知道你身旁注定不能由我停歇
and it's a little late for explanations 现在解释未免有些太迟
there isn't anything that you can do 现在的你已经无计可施
so you will listen when i say, baby… 所以我说的你可听好,宝贝…

first i was afraid i was petrified 起初我害怕自己会失魂落魄
kept thinking i could never live without you by my side 不停地想,身边若是真的没有你,那我可怎么活
but i spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong 可是后来我花了许多夜晚,去想你对我犯下的所有错
but i grew strong, i learned how to carry on 我终于变得坚强,学会了如何继续生活

our love is broken , baby 我们的爱已崩溃,宝贝

oh no, not i, i will survive 噢不,不是我,我会活下去
oh, as long as i know how to love, i know i will stay alive 噢,我知道只要懂得如何去爱,我就会一直活下去