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3 23607 分享 来源:必克英语 2015-03-26

酒吧因为音乐而令人更加放松身心。有喜欢去泡吧的童鞋吗?今天来介绍一下澳洲酒吧经典歌曲。澳洲音乐历史悠久;如今,澳洲广播公司旗下的无线电台Triple J,则刺激了独立另类音乐(电子乐器音响和杂音混成的摇滚乐)的发展。

The glory days of Aussie music


But the 70s and 80s were the glory days of the classic singlet-wearing, iced-beer-drinking, footy-kicking, Australian pub rock: the kind of banging, rousing tunes that make the now-popular pop, alternative and folk tunes look soft.


Featuring on many tourism Australia advertisements and deeply connected to the true blue Aussie identity, these songs largely explore working class-Australian lifestyle and the plight of the "Aussie Battler": a function that has largely been superseded by "skip-hop" (Australian Hip Hop).


A working-class tradition


Walk in to any pub in Australia towards the end of a larger night and you can still discover the wonder that these classics hold. Huge men, sometimes still in their flannies, fluoros and Blundstones from work, sway in time and stand in big circles, belting out the perfectly memorised lyrics to "Khe Sanh" by Cold Chisel (which speaks of the culture amongst young Australians during the Vietnam war).

深夜走进澳洲任意一间酒吧,你仍能感受到这些经典歌曲的魔力。彪形大汉,有时还穿着工作装,随着音乐摇摆,在围成圈的人群中,一字不差地欢唱着Cold Chisel乐队的“Khe Sanh”(这首歌讨论了越南战争时期澳洲年轻人间的文化现象)。

These Australian classics give Aussies the opportunity to show their love for their mates and their love for the great brown land without explicitly having to state it. It can be quite a novel, laughable sight if you're not a local. There are many of these emotion-stirring staples, and they are far from the AC/DC tracks a foreigner might expect (most of the bands mentioned never reached widespread fame outside of Australia).


“Ripper tracks”


If you want to fit in when it reaches the end of the night and all your mates grip each other's arms for a big group sing along, get comfortable with these ripper tracks:


- "Horses" by Daryl Braithwaite

- "Khe Sanh" by Cold Chisel

- "You're the Voice" by John Farnham

- "Down Under" by Men at Work

- "Working-Class Man" by Jimmy Barnes

- "Throw Your Arms Around Me" by Hunters and Collectors

- "The Holy Grail" by Hunters and Collectors

- "Am I Ever Going to See Your Face Again?" by The Angels

- "Boys Light Up'" by Australian Crawl

And last but not least, "Eagle Rock" by Daddy Cool. This track inspires whole pubs to pull down their pants on the dance floor and dance around in your underwear, as the tradition calls for. Now that you know, go out and practice your dance moves!

最后一首,也是很重要的一首,是Daddy Cool乐队的”Eagle Rock”。这首歌鼓舞整个酒吧的人都按照传统褪去裤子,穿着内裤热舞。读完这些介绍,走出家门,舞动起来吧!

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