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1 11945 分享 来源:必克英语 2018-10-25



Nice to meet you.--Nice to meet you, too. 很高兴认识您.彼此彼此

Pleased to meet you. Plsd to meet u, too.

Very nice to meet you.

How do you do? --How do you do?

It's a pleasure to meet you.

I'm happy to meet you.

May I have your name, please?您贵姓

I made a reservation for tonight.

What's your name, please?

May I ask who you are?


My country has a lot of mountains...

Oh, yeah? Where are you from?您是哪里人?

I'm from Canada. 我是加拿大人.

I'm come from Canada.


I was born in Canada.

Chicago is my hometown.

Do you speak Japanese?你会说日语吗?

Unfortunately, no. 很遗憾,我不会。

Can you speak Japanese?

Are you a Japanese speaker?

A little. 一点.. /Just a little. /Some.

I can't speak Japanese at all. *not...at all 我一点都不会说.

I know everyday conversational Japanese.我会一点日常会话.

Where did u learn Japanese? --At school. 你是在哪学的日语,在学校.

I learned it on my own.我自学的.


Hello! Anyone home? /Yes?


Hello! Is anyone there? /Excuse me!

Please come in!欢迎请进!

Sorry I didn't call first.


How nice of you to come!你能来太好了.

Thanks for inviting me.

It's nice of you to come!

Thank you for coming.

Is anyone here?

What do you want?你有事吗?

What are you here for?

Please feel free to make yourself at home.别客气像在自己家一样.

Make yourself at home.


How have you been doing? **近怎么样?

What have you been doing? 忙什么?

I've been alright.

Just working. 上班呗。

Nothing much. 没忙什么。

Where have you been? 你去哪儿了?

I'm glad to see/meet you again. --So am I. 很高兴又能见到你.

It's great seeing you again.

You haven't changed at all. 根本、全然


You're the same old Bob, aren't you? 鲍勃,你还是老样子。

You haven't changed much. 你没怎么变

Neither have you. 你也没变。

You've really changed. 你变样了.

You've grown up.你长大了.

You're all grown up now.

Look how you've grown up.

You've become so beautiful.


Would you slow down, please?


Please say it more slowly.

What can I do for you?

my English isn't good enough.


A Japanese-speaking person, please.

Aren't you John?

I can't make myself understood. 我们语言不通 *被明白,让对方明白


I can't get my point across.

I can't get through to him.无法让他明白。

I don't know how to say it in English.


I don't know it in English.

I can't express it in English.

How do you say ;giri” in English?


Call the police!叫警察!

Sure thing! 好的

Please call for help!

I had my bag stolen.我的包被偷了.

My bag was stolen.

Somebody stole my bag.

Who should I report it to? 我该告诉谁?

Where is the Lost and Found?失物招领处在哪?

What kind of bag?什么样的包?

What kind of bag was it?

What was in it? 里面都有什么?

How much was in it? 里面有多少钱?

We'll call you if we find it.



We apologize for...


We deeply apologize for...

We sincerely apologize for...

We are very sorry for...



We are sorry to inform you that...


We very much regret to have to remind you of...


We invite your attention to...


We would like to call your attention to...我们想提向您主意......

May we remind you that...?

May we take this occasion to remind you that...?

We wish to point out that...



We are delighted to learn that...


Congratulations on your...


We would like to offer our congratulations on your...



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