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1 12377 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-04-30


Words Storm

Cantonese cuisine广东菜

boiled dumpling水饺

roast suckling pig烤乳猪

set meal套餐

casserole 砂锅

fermented black bean豆豉

dressing with starchy sauce勾芡

Sweet &Sour Pork酸甜咕噜肉

seaweed soup紫菜汤

chafing dish/hot pot火锅

preserved bean curd腐乳

pig's knuckle/feet猪脚

crispy rice锅巴

meat bun肉包子

preserved egg皮蛋

Won Ton soup上汤云吞

Kung Pao Chicken宫保鸡丁

noodles with sweet bean sauce打卤面


bird's nest燕窝

barbecued pork叉烧

plain noodle阳春面

bean curd豆腐

salted duck egg咸鸭蛋


Useful Expressions

Chinese are famous for their cuisine.


Foreigners are not expected to usechopsticks proficiently, but if they do, they will give a mighty impression.中国人不要求老外能对筷子运用自如,但是如果你能用好,会让人对你印象深刻。

Are you good at cooking? 你擅长做饭吗?

What's your favourite dish? 你最爱吃哪一道菜?

How do you make dumplings? 饺子是怎么做的?

Which do you prefer Chinese food or Westernfood? 中餐西餐你更喜欢哪个?

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗

I only want to taste real Chinese food.我只想尝一下真正的中餐

I hear Chinese restaurants serve very goodfood.我听说中餐馆的饭菜非常好吃

This is a Beijing restaurant, specializingin Beijing cuisine.这是一家北京餐馆,专做京菜。

China is a country with a splendid cateringculture. 中国是个饮食文化非常丰富的国家

Mr. Smith, I wonder if you have anyparticular preferences.


It would be a pity if you left withouttasting it.


Ordering Chinese take-out has reached nearritual status in certain segments of the US population 一部分美国人已经把吃饭请客点中餐外卖当作一种身份象征。

In some cities of China doggie bags areuncommon, and leftovers usually go to the dump.


Are you used to the food here? 你吃的惯这儿的饭菜吗?

Well, to be honest with you. Chinese foodis really different from western fond


