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1 6268 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-06-03


Words Storm 常见词汇

play 戏;剧本  

drama 戏剧  

production 作品

comedy 喜剧  

tragedy 悲剧  

musical 音乐剧

opera 歌剧  

stage 话剧  

actor 男演员

actress  女演员  

cast 全体演员  

director 导演

playwright 剧作家  

be in/ appear in出演  

rehearse 彩排,排练

part 角色、台词和动作  

lead role主角  

plot 情节

act 1第一幕  

scene  场次  

scenery 布景

costume 服装  

prop 道具  

lighting 灯光

set 设置背景  

script 脚本  

sound effects音效

performance 表演,演出  

direct 执导,导演

character 人物角色

Useful Expressions 常见句型

What'son at this theatre today? 今天这个剧院上演什么剧目?

Who is playing tonight? 今晚谁演出?

Are there any good seats left? 还有好位子的票吗?

Front centre, please. 请给我前排中间的座位。

I hate to come in in the middle. 我不喜欢看演出时中途入场

Did you enjoy their performance? 你喜欢他们的表演吗?

The leading lady seems a little stiff. 女主演似乎有点儿呆板

He's a star of the stage. 他是一位话剧明星

I adore Shakespeare's drama. 我很喜欢莎士比亚的戏剧

lt's a play in five acts. 这是个五幕剧

The costumes and scenery were marvellous. 服装和布景都好极了

The show's been cancelled tonight. 今晚的演出取消了

I can't say much for the play. 我觉得这部戏不怎么样。

The cast has been rehearsing all summer. 演员们整个夏天都在进行排练

The sound effects are not very good,I had trouble understanding some bits.


A new musical will be on at the MacRobert  Centre this weekend.


A famous ltalian opera singer will be appearing tonight in The Magic Flute.


After the play, there was a big party for the cast.





