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4 10748 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-07-05




1、  中秋佳节将来到,百忙之中也要抽出时间过佳节,在这么个团团圆圆的日子,更加需要家人的关心,这样才会有更多的动力,愿您全家幸福快乐,您的生意蒸蒸日上! 

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and youhave to take time out of your busy schedule to spend the festival. In such around and round day, you need the care of your family more. Only in this waycan you have more motivation. May your family be happy and your business beflourishing!


2、  月光皎皎,月饼甜甜,月桂香香,月儿圆圆,千江月明千江水,万里花飘万里情,良辰吉日里遥寄思念,花好月圆中放飞祝福,感谢您长期以来的关心支持和爱护,敬祝您中秋快乐,合家幸福。

The moon is bright, the moon cake is sweet,the laurel is sweet, the moon is round, the moon is bright, the river is full,the flowers are full, the thoughts are sent from afar on auspicious days, theblessings are released in full moon, thank you for your long-term care, supportand love, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and family happiness.


3、  中秋节日到了,在这美好的日子里祝福您:幸福安康,事事顺心,生意红火,日进斗金,之前多蒙您的照顾我才能平踏坎坷,与您合作犹如窥探天地玄机,让人兴奋不已,所以我期待与您下次的合作。

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. I wishyou happiness, good health, everything is going well, business is booming, andevery day brings me money. I can ride the rough road only with your carebefore. Working with you is like exploring the mysteries of the world. It isexciting. Therefore, I look forward to working with you next time.


4、  中秋之际,祝福我的伙伴朋友,愿您的事业和工作如十五的月亮般亮堂圆满,家庭和生活似十五的月饼一样团圆甜蜜,生活好事业圆。

On the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival, Iwish my friends and partners a happy and happy life. May your career and workbe as bright as the moon on the 15th, your family and life be as sweet as mooncakes on the 15th, and your career be prosperous.



1. Happy Mid-autumn Festival!


2、I hope the roundmoon will bring my best wishes to you, my best friend.



3、The Mid-Autumn Dayapproaches. Although I am far from home, I have conviction in my mind. I wishmy family happiness and blessings forever.



4、I hope the roundmoon will bring my best wishes to you, my best friend.



5、Mid-Autumn Festivalis approaching... May you smile like opening flowers!Wishing everyone would doso!Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!





