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1 7047 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-08-23



◎为什么? Why? 
I forgot to lock the door. (我忘了锁门了。) 
Why? (为什么?)

◎为什么? How come? 
I didn't like the movie. (我不喜欢那部电影。) 
How come? (为什么?)

◎你怎么会那么想呢? What makes you think that? 
I think she's in love with you. (我想她爱上你了。) 
What makes you think that? (你怎么会那么想呢?) 
= Why do you say that? 
= Why do you think that?

◎告诉我为什么。Tell me why.
= What's the reason? (理由是什么?)

◎是怎么发生的? How did it happen? 
My car broke down. (我的汽车出故障了。) 
How did it happen? (是怎么回事?) 
= How did that happen?

◎你干吗要去做这种事呢? What are you doing this for? 
= Why are you doing this? 
= What's the reason you're doing this? 
= Why are you doing something like this? (你干吗要干这样的事呢?)

◎你为什么干那样的事呢? Why did you do that? 
Why did you do that? (你为什么干那样的事呢?) 
I didn't know I wasn't supposed to. (我不知道不能这样做。) 
= What made you do that? 
= Why did you do something like that? 
= How could you? 
= How could you do that?

◎是什么原因呢? What causes it? 
The river is getting dirty. (那条河越来越脏。) 
What causes it? (为什么会这样呢?) 
What causes it? (是什么原因?) 
Air pollution. (由于空气污染。) 
= What is it caused by?

◎请给我解释一下。Explain it to me.
= You'd better start explaining.

◎为什么不行? Why not? 
You can't wear the red pants. (你不能穿那条红裤子。) 
Why not? They're my favorite. (为什么不能?这是我最喜欢的裤子。) 
= Why can't I? 
= Is there a reason? (有理由吗?)

◎你怎么那么高兴? What are you so happy about? 
What are you so happy about? (你怎么那么高兴?) 
= It's a wonderful day. (今天是最棒的一天。) 
= You seem especially happy today. (你今天显得特别高兴。) 
= What makes you so happy? *更随意的说法。

◎为了什么? What for? 
I made this big box! (我做了个这么大的箱子。) 
What for? (干什么用?)For what? 
What is this for? (这个用来干嘛?)

◎为了谁? For who? 
I bought this gift today. (今天我买了一份礼物。) 
For who? (给谁买的?) 
= Who is it for?

◎你旅行的目的是什么? What's the purpose of your visit?
What brought you here? (你为什么来这儿?)

◎没有理由不让做吧。No reason not to.
Why do you want to do that? (你为什么想做那件事?) 
No reason not to. (没有理由不让做吧。) 
= Why not? 
= What's wrong with it? 
= Why shouldn't I?

◎你怎么在这儿? Why are you here? 

◎我告诉你为什么…… I'll tell you why... 
= This is the reason why...

◎总之,是这么回事儿。In brief, it's like this.
= In short, it's like this. 
= In a word, it's like this. 
= To sum up, it's like this.

◎它的由来是这样的…… It started like this... 
How did Edison make the light bulb? (爱迪生是怎样发明灯泡的呢?) 
It started like this... (它的由来是这样的……) 
= This is its history... 
= This is the way it began...

◎原来如此! That's why!
Why doesn't it work? (为什么不动呢?) 
You have to turn it on first. (你得先打开开关。) 
Oh, that's why! (哦,是这样啊!)

◎所以…… That's why... 

That's why I like her. (所以我喜欢她。) 

I see. (我明白了。)





英语口语天天练 | 壶小易热,肚小易怒!

【英语口语】发音大讲堂,从零开始|Forget it算了,没关系