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【英语口语】60句美式英语口语, 9成的中国都说了!(中)

4 4322 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-09-02

【英语口语】60句美式英语口语, 9成的中国都说了!(中)讲英语的人非常多, 不过是否地道那可真难说, 这60句易错口语表达,句句都非常贴近生活,赶快来看看你有没有中枪吧!(关注本站,持续更新基础英语资料,不定时发放英语大礼包)

21: 你觉得怎么样?

错: How do you think?

对: What do you think?


错: Which do you select?

对: Which do you choose?

23: 你是做什么工作的?

错: What is your job?

对: What do you do for a living?

24: 我下星期领薪水。

错: I ll receive my salary next week.

对: I ll get paid next week.

25: 上车吧(轿车)。

错: Get on the car.

对: Get in the car

26: 上车吧(公共汽车)。

错: get in the bus

对: get on the bus

27: 他状态良好。

错: He is in good condition.

对: He is in good shape.

28: 那儿非常偏僻。

错: It s very far.

对: It s very remote.

29: 他的体温下来了。

错: His temperature went down.

对: His temperature came down.

30: 今天的报纸有他的文章。

错: Today s newspapers have his articles.

对: Today s newspapers carry his articles.

31: 如果你有钱的话, 给我点吧。

错: Give me some money, if you have.

对: Give me some money, if you have any.

32: 如果你开着窗户睡觉的话, 你会感冒的。

错: You ll have a cold if you sleep with your window open.

对: You ll catch a cold if you sleep with your window open.

33: 他讲话很大声。

错: He was talking in a high voice.

对: He was talking loud.

34: 你觉得北京怎么样?

错: How do you think about Beijing?

对: What do you think about Beijing?

35: 请在白线外等候。

错: Please wait outside the white line.

对: Please wait behind the white line.

36: 你的房子上火险了吗?

错: Is your house insured for fire?

对: Is your house insured against fire?

36: 她是第一名。

错: She was first prize.

对: She took first prize.

37: 昨晚我没有写日记。

错: Last night I didn t keep my diary.

对: Last night I didn t write anything in my diary.

38: 火车迟到了一个小时。

错: The train was late about an hour.

对: The train was about an hour late.

39: 猫比狗更适合做家庭宠物的10个理由。

错: 10 reasons why cat is a better pet than dog.

对: 10 reasons why cats are better pets than dogs.

40: 你会多少个中文字?

错: How many letters do you know?

对: How many characters do you know?

以上就是【英语口语】60句美式英语口语, 9成的中国都说了!(中)的所有内容,希望对大家有帮助!现在英语使用越来越广泛了,掌握一手好英语,对你的学习和工作都很有帮助。





【英语口语】发音大讲堂,从零开始| No money, no honey没有金钱,哪来幸福