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8 4724 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-09-20





Dear XXX,

①开头问候 How is everything going?

②简单叙旧 How time flies! /It has been nearly a week since I

arrived home. / I miss you so much!

③表达感谢 So, I have no choice but to write to you to express my heartfelt gratitude to you.

④分析表达感谢的原因 Whenever I look at our photos, I just can’t help thinking of you.

⑤感恩事项一 It was to kind of you to do sth1.

⑥感恩事项二 Besides, you did sth2, which really moved me.

⑦感恩事项三 What’s more, you taught me how to cook American food.

⑧表示不会忘记 Nothing would be able to erase our wonderful memories and I will cherish them forever.

⑨期待再见 Hopefully, we would get together again soon.

⑩期待回复 I am looking forward to this day.

Best wishes!





Dear XXX,

① 自 我 介 绍 I’m Li Hua, a 17-year-old teenager who has just bought a XXX from your online store/experienced the service in your restaurant.

②提出抱怨 I feel bad to trouble you but I’m afraid that I must make a complaint about it.

③原本期待 How I wish that I would have enjoyed a 100% satisfaction!

④糟糕体验一 However, much to my disappointment, _________.

⑤糟糕体验二 Besides, _________.

⑥糟糕体验三 To make matters worse, it still puzzles me that your telephone customer service staff should refuse to answer my questions.

⑦期待改进 Hopefully, for the sake of your reputation, you would look into the matter and make some appropriate improvements.

⑧ 改 进 建 议 For example, why not do sth?

⑨ 期 待 回 复 Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.


Best wishes!




Dear XXX,

①开头寒暄 Good news travels fast.

②写信背景 I have learned with delight that you 做到了什么事情.


③抒发情绪 The happiness in my heart is just the same as yours. / I know how hard you must have been working and I am so proud of you for your achievement.

④分析取得成就的原因 Just as is said in the Bible, those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. / Now you have tasted the joy that only a few people knows when his great effort is finally repaid.

⑤原因一:勤劳智慧 Indeed, it is a reward you richly deserve for your diligence as well as your intelligence.

⑥原因二:长期积累 Besides, I understand for sure that it is your long-term accumulated experience that leads you to the current success.

⑦分享快乐 Thank you for letting me share not only your happiness but also your inspirations.

⑧美好祝福 Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes for your future success.

Best wishes!





Dear XXX,

① 开 头 问 候 How are you doing?

② 原 本 计 划 Recently, we planned to do sth.

③ 无 法 执 行 Unfortunately, I didn’t/won’t make it.

④表达歉意 So, I am writing to express my heartfelt apology to you!

⑤多么希望能按原计划执行 How I wish that I had done sth1! / How I wish that I would do sth1!

⑥不能按计划执行的原因 However, I am chosen to do sth2, which, you know, is really significant to me.

⑦只能食言 As a result, I have no choice but to break my promise with you. /I believe that if you were me, you would make the same choice.

⑧ 请 求 谅 解 Hopefully, you would understand my situation and accept my apology.

⑨ 希 望 弥 补 I wish I could make it up for you.

⑩期待回信 I am looking forward to your reply.


Best wishes!





