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1 7140 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-02-27

1. In your company, which age group has the highest turnover? 

1. 在你们公司,哪个年龄段的员工流动性最高呢? 

2. If you're a Millennial, what would entice you to stay with your current employer? 

2. 如果你是千禧一代,你会受哪些因素的吸引而选择继续留在当前的公司呢?

1. Inspiration Channel(灵感通道) 

1) Our whole company has had a problem recently with high turnover in this age group---mid-twenties to early thirties. It's true, Millennials are quicker to jump ship than any other generation of employees, especially Baby Boomers. One new study from Payscale.com, for instance, says that more than 40% of Boomers think people should stay in one job, or at least one company, for at least five years. A scant 13% of Millennials agree. 


2) There's also lots of evidence that young workers hold much different expectations about work than their elders ever did. So bosses intent on keeping them around may have to make some specific changes in the way they lead their teams. Millennials want more openness and transparency. They also need more encouragement, and more of asense that they're making progress, than most managers are used to giving people. 


2. Extended Reading(拓展阅读) 

What works, and doesn't, in inspiring twenty-something talent to stay put. Here are four steps recommended: 


Make goals clear, both theirs and yours. It's important to Millennials that you connect those dots. They want to see the big picture. Get out of their way. Millennials tend to rebel against micromanagement, so avoid it. Your role is to help — in setting small interim goals and deadlines that lead up to larger ones, for example — without hovering. Give lots of positive feedback. Annual performance reviews do not work with Millennials, they look for feedback and direction every week or two. Show them a career path. Despite what often looks like a disjointed series of short-term moves, Millennials are intensely focused on the long term. 


Word Power
1. turnover ['tə:n,əuvə] n. 人员流动率 
2. millennial [mi'leniəl] adj. 一千年的;千禧年的 
3. interim ['intərim] adj. 临时的,暂时的;过渡的 
4. feedback ['fi:dbæk] n. 反馈;成果 
5. disjointed [dis'dʒɔintid] adj. (言语或想法等) 支离破碎的;脱节的;杂乱的
Grammar Check
1. take care of business负责 
e.g. Who's going to take care of business while I am away? 
2. take out on拿…出气 
e.g. Don't take your frustrations out on me. 