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How to enjoy a better life.

1 7162 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-08-31

     Do you want to live a happy life? If you say yes like most people do, then it’s important to learn to enjoy life. Some people may think that they can only enjoy life when they already have a lot of money or have a successful career [kəˈriə](职业). But that’s not true. You can enjoy your life where you are with what you already have. You can enjoy your life now.

     Here I will share with you how to enjoy life. But before that, I’d like to share two tips that are essential [iˈsenʃəl](必需的) to live a happy life. The first one is to be grateful [ˈɡreitful](感激的). I can’t emphasize [ˈemfəsaiz](强调) enough how important it is. No matter how many pleasant things you do, if you don’t learn to be grateful you will always see things negatively [ˈnegətɪvlɪ](消极的).

    The second one is to slow down. Life has a lot of simple things you can enjoy. But if you move too fast you will overlook [ˌəuvəˈluk](忽视) most of them. So don’t be in a hurry. Don’t move too quick. Slow down and pay attention to the world around you. Most of the ways I’m about to share will work well only if you slow down.

    With those two tips in mind, here are 30 ways to enjoy life. Pick the ones that work for you:

Enjoy your meal. Don’t just eat. Taste it and appreciate [əˈpri:ʃieit](欣赏) its richness.
Learn to cook.
     Feel music and not just listen to it.
     Play music. More than just listening, playing music allows you to express yourself.
    Gather with old friends.
    Take a walk in the park. 
    Go hiking. 
    Read a novel.
    Find and watch a movie you like. IMDB’s recommendation [ˌrekəmenˈdeiʃən](推荐) engine can help you find movies you may like. 
   Give yourself a lazy day.
   Play board games(棋类游戏) with your friends.
   Have a candle-light dinner(烛光晚餐) with your spouse [spauz,spaʊs](配偶).
   Play mini games.
   Read comics(漫画)
   See beautiful pictures.
   Read inspiring quotes.
   Learn to paint.
   Read a classic book.
   Exercise with friends.
   Watch funny videos.
   Play with kids.
   Play a mind game.
   Have a cup of coffee.
  Get a massage.
  Go to a museum.
  Go to a theater.
  Watch sunrise [ˈsʌnraiz](日出).
  Take pictures.
  Browse(浏览) your photo album(相册) for your treasured memories.
I’m sure there are still a lot of other ways to enjoy life. What is your favorite way to enjoy life?