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Healthy food at work – a healthy body, a healthy brain

1 6249 分享 来源:必克英语 2010-09-02

Healthy food at work – a healthy body, a healthy brain
Best advice on correct nourishment [ˈnʌriʃmənt](食物) at work
Nowadays it is stylish [ˈstailiʃ](时髦的) to be healthy as well as to invest your money in your health. We spend a lot of money on fitness [ˈfɪtnɪs](健身), diets, rejuvenation(复原,) and other things. Sometimes the need to work and the need to feel young and healthy are contradictory(矛盾的). But we are able to combine [kəmˈbain](结合) these needs.
Do you eat junk food(垃圾食品) at work or do you eat a healthy food?
First advice, effective [iˈfektiv](有效的) advice: it is important to combine properly your alimentation [ˌælimenˈteiʃən](供养) regime [reiˈʒi:m](政治制度) with the working day. We have to nourish [ˈnʌriʃ](滋养) depending on our regime, on our hours of activity and of relaxation. The proteins(蛋白质) enriched food (meat, fish, and legumes) increase the metabolism [mɪˈtæbəˌlɪzəm](新陈代谢) and excite the nervous system(神经系统). During its digestion [daɪˈdʒestʃən, dɪ-](消化) there is an active secretion [sɪˈkri:ʃən](分泌物) of gastric juice(胃液). Therefore spending the whole day in an office is better to eat a portion [ˈpɔ:ʃən](部分) of meat with potatoes. But this dish would not be so useful in the evening, because your sleep slows down the stomach activity and the proteins are processed mush more difficult. It does not refer to the people that work in night shift(晚班). It is recommended to eat before night, if you are about to work a complete night shift.
It will be better for you to drop out(放弃) the junk food and to begin a healthy eating regime(饮食习惯).
Second advice: not so effective: if you have an intellectual work, you shouldn’t forget this is connected with a tense nervous(紧张神经) activity. In this case you better keep a chocolate in your bag. The coffee and chocolate combination [ˌkɔmbiˈneiʃən](结合) is a perfect double stimulator(激励器), less harmful than cigarettes and much better than brain stimulating pills(大脑刺激丸). This method helps you get rid of(消除) headache [ˈhedeik](头痛) and tiredness [ˈtaɪədnɪs](累). In few hours you will begin to solve your problems like a modern computer. It is efficient also for people who have to mobilize [ˈməubilaiz](动员) fast. And it is important that chocolate is better to be consumed without drinks, unlike any other snacks.

When cooking the evening meal cook a double portion so that you could eat a part of it the next day.

Third advice: the most effective: Fat food is healthy, especially in cold days and in cases we are submitted(屈服) to physical work. Our muscles(肌肉) need other kind of energy than our brain. If your job is purely physical, suet(牛脂) will be much more useful than the salad. Fats have the capacities to eliminate [iˈlimineit](消除) energy and to maintain [meinˈtein](保持) in our body a stable, normal temperature.

Our advice for you is to try to eat healthier than you did before and the results will be soon impressive [imˈpresiv](影响深刻的); your work will be better done, problems will be solved quicker and the most important – you’ll be much healthier eating healthy food at work.

A poor diet can have an injurious [ɪnˈdʒʊəri:əs](有害的) impact on health, causing deficiency [diˈfiʃənsi](缺点) diseases such as scurvy [ˈskɜ:vi:](卑鄙的), beriberi [ˈberiˈberi](脚气(病)), and kwashiorkor [ˌkwɑ:ʃiˈɔ:kɔ:](恶性营养不良症); health-threatening conditions like obesity [əʊˈbi:sɪti:](肥胖)and metabolic syndrome(代谢综合征), and such common chronic systemic diseases(慢性(病)的) as cardiovascular [ˌkɑ:di:əʊˈvæskjələ](心脏血管的) disease, diabetes(糖尿病), and osteoporosis(骨质疏松症)