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【新环境】The new place to be: The movies

1 7358 分享 来源:必克英语 2011-06-22

The new place to be: The movies


       Watching movies in cinemas has become a lifestyle, especially among the younger generations. About 90 percent of Beijingers who go to cinemas are between the ages of 18 and 35, a 2009 survey by Beijing's Tsinghua University said.

      Cinemas used to be popular during the 1980s in China, but when televisions and the Internet took over, attention moved from the big screen to the small screen. The majority of State-owned cinemas went bankrupt [ˈbæŋkrʌpt] (*go bankrupt破产).

      But after over 10 years of poor attendance and revenue figures, the silver screen is making a big comeback that's been coupled with the surge [sə:dʒ](*浪涌) in the screening technology and the change in people's lifestyles. One of the most major factors in the cinema surge is that cinemas are becoming increasingly accessible [ækˈsesəbəl](*可理解的) in China.

      With the emergence of 3D and IMAX technologies, more people have renewed their interest in cinemas.  "Modern screening equipment can provide the audience with an extraordinary audio and visual experience," said Jin Bo, general manager of Beijing Bona International Cineplex Investment and Management. "It's something they can never get from tiny computer screens or pirated DVDs."

      Cinemas have been racking [ræk] (*折磨)their brains to tailor [ˈteilə](*使合适) their venues for younger customers, with special viewing rooms like the "Lovers Cinema", fancy decorations like neon [ni:ən](*氖) glass walls, and interactive activities like celebrities meetings during screenings and electronic games in waiting areas. Traditional cinemas have transformed into something like theme parks.

      Meanwhile, the film culture has been profound. Many cinemas also exhibit replica items from the current movies in their lobbies, adding a bit of museum flavor [ˈfleɪvə] (*风味)to the commercial environment.

      "More and more Chinese people are willing to pay for cultural activities," said Sun. "The change of consuming habit is an evidence of civilization advancement."